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Flickreel is launching drone mission matching platform, DRONEWORK
Flickreel is taking to the skies! We are proud to be launching a new project, this time in the world of drones. DRONEWORK, a drone mission matching platform connecting drone operators with drone missions commissioned by clients around the world,…
6 0One Night in Miami Review
2020 gave us several powerful movies about the black experience, and few were more thought-provoking than One Night in Miami.
3 02020 gave us several powerful movies about the black experience, and few were more thought-provoking than One Night in Miami.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Flickreel's Best Movies of 2020
Some of these movies reflected the madness of 2020, others helped take our minds off 2020, and today we’re going to discuss the best 2020 had to offer.
5 0Some of these movies reflected the madness of 2020, others helped take our minds off 2020, and today we’re going to discuss the best 2020 had to offer.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaSound of Metal Review
Sound of Metal may be the best movie about the deaf experience since Children of a Lesser God.
4 0Sound of Metal may be the best movie about the deaf experience since Children of a Lesser God.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
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Flickreel’s Best Movies of 2024
2024 has come and gone. If you think the year flew by, keep in mind that we’re now halfway through the 2020s!
0 02024 has come and gone. If you think the year flew by, keep in mind that we’re now halfway through the 2020s!
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaEmmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya Say Goodbye to The Umbrella Academy
Flickreel recently spoke with stars Emmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya about bidding farewell to Allison, Lila, and the rest of The Umbrella Academy.
2 0Flickreel recently spoke with stars Emmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya about bidding farewell to Allison, Lila, and the rest of The Umbrella Academy.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Phoenix Film Festival 2024: An Interview with Jason Carney
The Phoenix Film Festival is back, meaning another interview with Jason Carney! We chatted about Thelma, Sing Sing, and more!
1 0The Phoenix Film Festival is back, meaning another interview with Jason Carney! We chatted about Thelma, Sing Sing, and more!
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaFlickreel's Best Movies of 2023
2023 was another great year for movies, some from our finest living directors, others from unexpected places, and, in some cases, a bit of both. Here are the best of the best.
0 02023 was another great year for movies, some from our finest living directors, others from unexpected places, and, in some cases, a bit of both. Here are the best of the best.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Latest Movie Reviews
Snow White Review
While Snow White shares many of the same problems as other live-action remakes, it also has a unique issue.
1 0While Snow White shares many of the same problems as other live-action remakes, it also has a unique issue.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaOpus Review
Opus so desperately wants to say something that it forgets to say anything until the final five minutes.
0 0Opus so desperately wants to say something that it forgets to say anything until the final five minutes.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Black Bag Review
It might not rank among Soderbergh’s best, but Black Bag is a fun, steamy good time with plenty of twists and turns.
0 0It might not rank among Soderbergh’s best, but Black Bag is a fun, steamy good time with plenty of twists and turns.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaNovocaine Review
Even at its most violent, Novocaine is a charming love story with two leads we want to see together.
0 0Even at its most violent, Novocaine is a charming love story with two leads we want to see together.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
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The Phoenix Film Festival is back, meaning another interview with Jason Carney! We chatted about Thelma, Sing Sing, and more!
1 0The Phoenix Film Festival is back, meaning another interview with Jason Carney! We chatted about Thelma, Sing Sing, and more!
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaPeoria Film Fest 2023 Preview
Peoria Film Fest is returning on October 19, 2023, playing through the 22nd.
0 0Peoria Film Fest is returning on October 19, 2023, playing through the 22nd.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
2022 Peoria Film Fest Interview: Jason Carney
The Peoria Film Fest is returning for its fourth year. Flickreel spoke to festival director Jason Carney about the films playing, the community, and other reasons to be excited!
0 0The Peoria Film Fest is returning for its fourth year. Flickreel spoke to festival director Jason Carney about the films playing, the community, and other reasons to be excited!
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaJeff Goldblum returns in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom featurette
Jeff Goldblum reprised one of his most iconic roles a while back in Independence Day: Resurgence, but was sadly absent from 2015’s Jurassic World. Fortunately, Ian Malcolm is set to come back in next year’s Fallen Kingdom.
3 0Jeff Goldblum reprised one of his most iconic roles a while back in Independence Day: Resurgence, but was sadly absent from 2015’s Jurassic World. Fortunately, Ian Malcolm is set to come back in next year’s Fallen Kingdom.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
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Phoenix Film Festival 2025: An Interview with Jason Carney
Flickreel talks to our old friend Jason Carney, director of the Phoenix Film Festival, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
0 0Flickreel talks to our old friend Jason Carney, director of the Phoenix Film Festival, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaEmmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya Say Goodbye to The Umbrella Academy
Flickreel recently spoke with stars Emmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya about bidding farewell to Allison, Lila, and the rest of The Umbrella Academy.
2 0Flickreel recently spoke with stars Emmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya about bidding farewell to Allison, Lila, and the rest of The Umbrella Academy.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Phoenix Film Festival 2024: An Interview with Jason Carney
The Phoenix Film Festival is back, meaning another interview with Jason Carney! We chatted about Thelma, Sing Sing, and more!
1 0The Phoenix Film Festival is back, meaning another interview with Jason Carney! We chatted about Thelma, Sing Sing, and more!
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaFlickreel's Best Movies of 2023
2023 was another great year for movies, some from our finest living directors, others from unexpected places, and, in some cases, a bit of both. Here are the best of the best.
0 02023 was another great year for movies, some from our finest living directors, others from unexpected places, and, in some cases, a bit of both. Here are the best of the best.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
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A story that chronicles a year in the life of a middle-class family in Mexico City in the early 1970s.
1 0A story that chronicles a year in the life of a middle-class family in Mexico City in the early 1970s.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaLizzie Trailer
Based on the 1892 murder of Lizzie Borden‘s family in Fall River, MA, this psychological thriller lays bare the legend of Lizzie Borden to reveal the much more complex, poignant and truly terrifying woman within — and her intimate bond with…
0 0Based on the 1892 murder of Lizzie Borden‘s family in Fall River, MA, this psychological thriller lays bare the legend of Lizzie Borden to reveal the much more complex, poignant and truly terrifying woman within — and her intimate bond with the family‘s young Irish housemaid, Bridget Sullivan.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Smallfoot Trailer
A Yeti is convinced that the elusive creatures known as humans really do exist.
3 0A Yeti is convinced that the elusive creatures known as humans really do exist.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaVenom Trailer #2
When Eddie Brock acquires the powers of a symbiote, he will have to release his alter-ego “Venom” to save his life.
4 0When Eddie Brock acquires the powers of a symbiote, he will have to release his alter-ego “Venom” to save his life.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
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Phoenix Film Festival 2025: An Interview with Jason Carney
Flickreel talks to our old friend Jason Carney, director of the Phoenix Film Festival, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
0 0Flickreel talks to our old friend Jason Carney, director of the Phoenix Film Festival, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaEmmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya Say Goodbye to The Umbrella Academy
Flickreel recently spoke with stars Emmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya about bidding farewell to Allison, Lila, and the rest of The Umbrella Academy.
2 0Flickreel recently spoke with stars Emmy Raver-Lampman and Ritu Arya about bidding farewell to Allison, Lila, and the rest of The Umbrella Academy.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Phoenix Film Festival 2023: An Interview with Jason Carney
Flickreel speaks with our old friend Jason Carney about the Phoenix Film Festival. This year’s slate includes movies about Michael J. Fox, Judy Blume, and (at long last) Nicolas Cage as a vampire!
1 0Flickreel speaks with our old friend Jason Carney about the Phoenix Film Festival. This year’s slate includes movies about Michael J. Fox, Judy Blume, and (at long last) Nicolas Cage as a vampire!
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
DaniellaMark Wahlberg Interview - Father Stu
Flickreel got to take part in a roundtable interview with Mark Wahlberg, who spoke with us and two other outlets about his long-time passion project, Father Stu.
1 0Flickreel got to take part in a roundtable interview with Mark Wahlberg, who spoke with us and two other outlets about his long-time passion project, Father Stu.
Read More »This film might well have taken the top spot away from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in my greatest films list. Captivating cinema from the first frame to the last, painting an utterly convincing picture of the time and doing so with such relentless purpose. It’s certainly difficult to watch, but if you haven’t seen it yet, go see it, then tell everyone you know to go see it too!
TheoLoved the first film, so I hope they can pull it off for a second time!
TheoThis movie looks awesome!
MovieLoverInitially I was a bit skeptical, but I'm coming round to thinking he might make a great villain. Often it's any sense of vulnerability which bad guys lack on screen, so if he were to infuse this into his character, it should result in a tense and edgy uneasiness.
TheoI'm not too sure about this! He is a superb actor so is capable of pulling it off but I just don't think this role will suit him. 12 years a slave was a huge film but I don't want to see him go down that mainstream hollywood route now playing villains in big blockbusters because he's better than that in my opinion!
EricThat's a shame, they would have been perfect for this!
NathanThoroughly enjoyed watching that and definitely want to see this movie now :)
RickGood decision from Marc Webb. I actually don't think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there's still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!
DannyNot a huge Fast and Furious fan but full marks if they can pull this one off!
DannyThe Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn't need a sequel but I'm excited for Finding Dory!
EricI agree with pretty much everything this review says other than that I really liked the ending!
EricI love this film! Anderson's best so far I think! I watched this video review after I saw the film and it reminded me just how great it was. 5 stars!
Nathancan't wait to see this!
NathanWhat is it with all these sequels and remakes atm! Why can't they just leave a good film as it was.
RickWoo Peter Mayhew is a legend! Great to see him back where he belongs!
RickBradley Cooper is overrated. He was good in like 2 films and that was it. This film will suck if he is lead.
BrabaraSounds like it's not really worth seeing then! I thought the first one was good though, it kept me entertained at least.
LukeI've still got to see it! Will Arnett seems like pure comedy gold in everything I've seen so far.
TheoI agree. But perhaps it's a good move for them. Don't want to get too stuck on the same type of film perhaps. But you never know, they might yet change their minds...
TheoI actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.
TheoClooney needs to wake up and realise that this is 2014. War films that are all pro-america and anti-everyone else have been overdone.
BarbaraYes maybe you have a point but I'm still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!
EricI'm really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it's a great concept for the sequel and I'm so glad it's actually real and not an April Fool's as was initially suggested!
TheoI've still got to see the first!
TheoGreat to see another gritty Australian film starring Guy Pearce (The Proposition is a particular favourite of mine)! Especially as Pattinson has been thrown into the mix.
TheoI've been really impressed by Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson of the Harry Potter cast. I thought they'd struggle to move on from those roles, but they've managed to do so effortlessly. To the point where I look forward to seeing their performances in other productions.
TheoGraham Turner? England Manager?
Graham TurnerDisney Animation is back!!! John Lasseter's influence is clearly paying dividends.
TheoYesterdays news ... todays chip paper. If these "stars" invested wisely then there's no reason why they can't live a reasonably comfortable life on what they earned.
songbuddyIt's a shame it doesn't quite come off. It reminds me a little of The Proposition, which is one of my top foreign films, also starring Guy Pearce. Perhaps I'll check it out anyhow...
TheoGot to love the fact that the name of this movie has changed three times now!
TheoAs a drummer, this looks like a very intriguing piece to me. J.K. Simmons is one of my greats and Miles Teller looks to have put in a stunning performance. Definitely going to see this.
TheoLoved the first film. Will be great if they can pull it off again!
TheoSo excited for this!
TonyHe should be superb. I hope he plays a detective.
TheoLooks a bit like Guardians of the Galaxy meets Star Trek. Nice idea though and looks pretty funny.
TheoInevitable. The first sequel was pretty bad, so not holding much hope for another one.
TheoWhat more could possibly follow Blue Steel???
TonyI just hope he's good in it. Loved him in Dodgeball, so have some faith.
TheoSomething always seemed off with this film to me. A shame there still hasn't been a good TMNT movie - the kids animation was great.
TheoI can't wait for this. Gyllenhaal's performance looks really intense - even for him!
TheoYes, finally It’s back! The trailer is great. I’m so excited for this.
HlenTotally agree, what a great movie. It progresses the formula which Vaughn used in Kick-Ass but is much more effective here as the story and characters have more structure and a gentlemanly serving of wit. Bravo!
TheoIt's probably a trick cuz obviously the 5 is written out in the equation but ohwell whats the answerI want to watch this film! x
GraceSTILL MORE 'on board' ---agenda 'friiendly'----GLOBALIST MAFIA 'perception management' from the Spielberg franchise slum. WHO NEEDS IT?
IT 2 ITNice.
TheoIt's such a shame Espinosa f#cked this up....the novel is great and so is Tom Hardy. I still want to judge myself.
BrianI've not seen it myself either, but the fact that none of the trailers have made it look good really put me off from the start. Love the cast - particularly Hardy - so going to give this one a miss and wait for Mad Max: Fury Road for my next Tom Hardy fix.
TheoCouldn't agree more. Having been dragged to see Age of Ultron - a CGI fest of the highest magnitude - the day before, Fury Road came smashing in as a nitro-boosted breath of fresh air: a stark (excuse the pun) reminder for how an action movie should be made and feel.
TheoAshley Greene
Altotally agree. Super hero movies are way better than disaster movies. Thanks for the fresh perspective.
BI somehow knew what scene you were talking about before I even clicked. Great piece. I felt like the dinosaur, whilst looking sad and hurt, is almost looking accusingly at Claire as well for her part in all this.
Jamie JonesShit!
TheoThat's just ridiculous. None of these films need to be remade. A pretty desperate attempt to cash in.
TheoI was so happy to finally find this article and realize I'm not a lunatic. Two years ago, I visited my son and daughter in law after coming home from DC for the Holidays. I stayed in my grandsons bedroom that night after a stressful flight home. That night I woke up, unable to move or speak with only my eyes open. I saw tiny puffs of light and my grandsons Legos floating in the air. It only lasted a minute or so before I was able to move. I told my kids what had happened the night before and we shucked it off as maybe a dream even though I knew it wasn't. Two months ago, I had a similar experience. My eyes opened but my body wouldn't move. I saw numerous white angelic lights floating in the air. I layed there for what seemed like two minutes before they disappeared and I was able to move. I sat up in the bed and said "Dear God, what just happened to me?" I questioned whether I had just been visited by aliens or if I had maybe a mini stroke. Three nights ago, I had a similar experience although there was no hallucinations with this episode. Even so, it's frightfull to experience this. Last night I did'nt fall asleep until 4:30 am. I think I'm scared to fall asleep now but thankful I have never seen anything demonic or scary thru this process. So, far only bright, joyful things in the air.
Evelyn GardnerThis is ain't that kind of movie bro. Colin Firth's character died
Heavy LVisThe director said that he might be able to bring Colin Firth back in some way
JonI couldn't agree more. I was so looking forward to this important story being brought to the screen but so disappointed as it just didn't move me as it needed to.
PhilPersonally I think the whip and fedora could be passed on, but Harrison Ford will always be who I think of as the true Indiana Jones. After all, the guy crash-landed a plane on a golf course in real life!
TheoCool Beans babes
AlexCannot wait
annie aussieThat's going to depend on how its done. I enjoyed the original film. If they throw away everything contextual about it and try to make it another block buster like they did with Robocop, I won't be very thrilled. However I'm not a fan of the franchises you've compared it to so my opinion has little value to the discussion. For it to be popular with tweens and millenials it will have to be mindless garbage that pretends to be intelligent. That's probably what they'll do.
Blake CrawfordThe Academy proved that they don't care about franchises anymore. 10 years ago, they gave LOTR 18 oscars, the Hobbit trilogy barely had a couple of noms in the technical category. I agree with your article, also the last Harry Potter film lost with a far more childish story that only because it was directed by Scorsese, had these nominations and won. It was only because of nostalgia, all bias. I also think that Jennifer Lawrence's performances in the Hunger Games films were far more thrilling than the ones the Academy recognized, and even though I haven't seen Joy yet, I think she deserves a nom for Mockingjay part 2. In the other hand, I think that the Hunger Games films weren't made for awards, but to tell a social critique of war, reality shows, blending influences from Greek and roman mythology with your typical teen love triangle, and the first strong female lead in a franchise since Harry Potter (undoing the damage that Bella Swan and Twilight did).
MichaelI couldn't agree with his comments more. The film is OK but not a classic, and Craig has the potential to deliver that every time if given the right material to work with.
TheoMad max should win best picture, it is the best movie I've seen this year. And Charlize Theron should win Best Actress, it is time the Academy honors something different.
HenryHave none at this time.
David Lee GussLooks incredible!
TheoSherpas who defend the roof of the sky are not a "mob". They are true eco-warriors. Give Mt. Everest a rest!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriThis looks like an excellent film! Can't wait til February!
Debi Ray-ChaudhuriWhere is Spike Lee's Chi-Raq playing in Ontario, Canada?? Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, please advise!
SheriHello Sheri, Unfortunately Spike Lee's Chiraq only has a limited theatrical release in the USA. Nicholas
Nicholas OlsenI seriously can't wait to see this movie. Those pictures look fantastic, and very moody. I have faith in David Yates to pull of a great movie, fingers crossed!
pascalahadIn the plot of kill bill vol 3 in the secerets life of Jeane Bell it is written that Vernitas middle name is Alexa and on her biography it is written her middle name is Yvonne
Muhomad Harris Imran AminWhat is Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI am so confused about Vernitas middle name
Muhomad Harris Imran AminI need an answer about Vernitas actual name quickly I am getting comfused
Muhomad Harris Imran AminHa
Megan PaolinoI'd like that to at to my Star Wars collection?
NikkiGood film, as good as hanks was I can't but help feel that the role of Donovan would have been tailor made for dicaprio
HughI don't like Corey Hawkins he was unfit for black hero we want jack Bauer NOW or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right NOW I don't care if you don't I'll be upset Oh also we want 24 episode on Fox now
William hickeyGo tell dana Walden for another chance to keifer Sutherland back or else I'll scream AHHH I want keifer Sutherland back right now hurry if you don't I'll be upset
William hickeyI don't know where you reviewers come from . The point of the movie is the bravery and dedication of some Americans and the lack of support that came from the USA . You want character development go see Nicholas Sparks . the movie is the story as it happened . anything less than that , you would have complained it was not true and had too much added in to the story.
m jl" A struggle to fully connect with their situation" Did your reviewer even watch the movie? Sounds like he just took a couple of tokes, called Michael Moore to compare panty sizes, then phoned it in. You should probably not hire anyone who still lives in their mothers basement. I would challenge him to set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi team so that he may express his view of the events in person.
Bob NapperHi Bob, thanks for your comment. Though you've misjudged my review completely. Any criticisms I have are about this as a piece of cinema, that's an important distinction to make and what my job requires me to do. Any apprehensions I have are solely and squarely a response to the film. So when I say I struggled to form an emotional connection, that is a fault of the filmmakers, and not associated to the real events whatsoever. Oh and by the way, I did actually set up an interview with the surviving members of the Benghazi Attack, and we got on just fine, thanks.
Stefan PapeLOVE The Librarians with my favorite actor, singer, songwriter cook, Christian Kane as Jake Stone. It is a fun, witty, zany show.. and the CGI which gets so much criticism from a lot of people.. is just how the writers/directors/producer want it to be or they would have fixed the problem, personally, i feel it fits the show perfectly. It is how it is meant to be. Yes, the show got off to a rocky start, as most new shows do. Actors have to have time to find themselves in their characters and working with each other. I think they have all now found that and season 3 will be even better! Can't wait for more..
Mary E BrewerCome on, get some facts before... "EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2393 (9/30/15)." R-rated since september 2015... Also this is not the first R-rated release for Snyder/WB, since they did it with "Watchmen" (2009) ( One of the "highest-grossing" comic book adaptation ever btw) Poor journalism...
BatzouActually, if you read the bulletin, you'll see that it's dated today - the 24th February, 2016. The date you speak of - '9/30/15' - is from the original rating of the theatrical cut, from an earlier bulletin. Also, we didn't say it was the first R-rated release for either Snyder or WB (almost everything Snyder has done prior to his DC films has been R-rated.) We're noting the apparent influence of Deadpool as of late, including the recent news that Wolverine 3 will be R-rated, too.
Gary GreenI hope he does do one final movie. Would be great if he can go out on a high - perhaps even a masterpiece?!
TheoYeah, of course it'd hard to imagine them topping Skyfall.
Nick SpakeEverything is Awesome!
TheoLove Arrow and this is an awesome article! Personally I think Marvel films suffer from a similar affliction in which they try packing far too much into a limited timeframe. TV is the way to go when it comes to comic-genre adaptations because there's such a rich history to these characters and films don't allow enough time to explore them. And sometimes it's good to take a step back and see where comic canon can be bent or disregarded. Otherwise you'd never get a gem like Felicity Smoak! Point 5 had me giving you a standing ovation!! Too bad there's only one Emily Bett and DCEU seems adamant against bringing their tv actors to the big screen?.
DanAwesome article! All such good points. Arrow is a very underappreciated but amazing show! Great spinoffs too. So glad to see the Arrowverse getting some much deserved recognition. I agree with the commenter above me, Dan, standing ovation for point number 5! Felicity Smoak is an awesome badass superhero (and Emily Bett Rickards is an awesome person and actress!) and Arrow is so lucky to have her! So love seeing her get the love and praise she deserves! Kudos on the awesome article!
Arrowfan3DC will find success without Felicity. All the movies will make more money than all the DC TV shows put together. DC doesn't give ten shits about Felicity or Olicity because she is not in DC:Rebirth and won't live on past Arrow. Superman as a character has evolved he is no longer the boy scout he once was. The world is no longer Black and White. Did you even watch BvS or read comics? BvS is literally a comic book fans wet dream. The Dark Knight returns basically inspired the premise, Darkseid wars, Injustice Gods Among us, Batman: Death in the Family and Death of Superman all inspire the film to some degree. Marc Guggenheim openly admits to not taking an inspiration from the comics so you are really confused. In fact Arrow seems more like a romantic drama than a comic book show. So it seems Arrow is the one ashamed of its comic book roots. Stop taking the success of Flash and projecting on to Arrow when Flash is the one that actually respects its own source material. DCEU does not need to learn anything from the Arrowverse when its retelling decades of great stories and legacies. No one outside of Arrow gives 2 shits about Felicity aka Mary Sue. Clearly the writer is an Olicity fanboy.
Ajay KumarCompletely agree with the compliments on the Arrowverse. Arrow particularly learned a lot from it's first season mistakes and season 2 was spectacular. The villains are diverse and don't repeat themselves. Flash, although can be a tad repetitive with its ''always getting faster'' agenda, is very high up in the quality humor department. What is especially interesting is that besides having cast truly appropriate lead actors for both super heroes, it is more often than not the little remarks or subplots of the ''team members'' that sparkle on screen. Top examples would be Carlos Valdes as Cisco and Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity. The critique on the BvS is a tad harsh, but mostly agree. Producers have to make tough decisions as to when listen to the fans and when not to. Mostly I would suggest they do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to comic properties. The only case when I agree they made a good call going against the obvious choice, is casting Ben Affleck.
LylaI can't tell if this is meant to be satire or if you actually think Felicity Smoak is in any way a good character.
BazzaNo. Just no. Felicity Smoak is literally the worst character in superhero fiction.
ChrisFantastic!!! Excellent article! I completely agree, DC needs to lighten up. Sitting in the theater with my family watching Batman v Superman, I kept asking myself, why is everything so dark? To me, Batman was the villain for the first 2/3 of the movie, was that their intention to have the Dark Knight so dark that his motivation was suspect? Arrow can be dark and tackle moody subjects, but there is usually several moments of levity that allow us to reconnect to Oliver and his team. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that Felicity Smoak is the best! She increases our connection to each member of the team, Oliver in particular. He was so dark and dreary at the beginning, so much so, that he was somewhat unapproachable for audience members. Felicity brings out the lighter side of the hero and allows us to see his charm. In addition to her ability to lighten all those around her, the skills she brings to the team are unique and interesting. She is a great role model for girls who value intellect and wit!
PinkLassiethis has to be a belated april fool joke. laurel lance is by far the best character in the arrowverse, which is ironic considering how much they butchered her and disrespected her comic book roots. the arrowverse is a disgrace to all things dc, & katie cassidy deserved better than being tossed aside for a fan service character. because yes, when a show is based off of a series of comics, it SHOULD follow canon, and not what a bunch of thirteen year-olds on tumblr think the show should be like.
black canary! claudiaSo in your books, Felicity or a Felicity type character needs to be in every DC property? She can just get the actual main female character killed off for the sake of a terrible love story? Sure, just throw in Felicity into a Justice League movie, have her get Wonder Woman killed off because we don't need her right? Felicity's character has become exponentially worse since season 2 ended. The fact anyone would consider her character better than any DC TV or movie character is depressing and insulting. All she's done, in my opinion, is take away screen time and much needed character development from everyone else in the show. This season has a barely there villain and it's looking more and more like the actual main story line will be more about if her and Oliver get together and less about if Star City or Darkh even matter anymore. Now, as a result, the show's quality has nose dived and, with the latest episode killing off Laurel, has no hope to ever reclaim it's so-called glory from season 1. There's no possible argument to rationally explain how Felicity is, in any way, a good thing to the show. The only hope I have left for this show is to give justice for ruining Black Canary and have Felicity die like she should've in the mid season finale. I don't have very high hopes for that to happen since the writers love her way more than the other characters. Also, as for the suggestion that Arrow is better than BvS, just, no. If anyone were to ever ask about watching Arrow or BvS, I will always whole-heartedly tell them that Arrow is abysmal after season 2 and BvS at least won't kill off its lead female. Feel free to try and convince me otherwise on Felicity though. I'm always up for a little debate. Sincerely, a very disappointed fan
Starlord{The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe} You are officially an idiot
EarthprimeYou must be a bitter Marvel fanboy, Batman Vs Superman was awesome and a sucess too. And dont compare it too CW soap opera
DCnationMmm... Odd article. 1. DCEU is rushed? The show isn't rushed, true. That may be the case but it has become repetitive and extremely boring. The entire BvS film was to mark the beginning of the Justice League and honestly, I would've been pretty damn upset if they hadn't completed the Trinity in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Wonder Woman is so important and it made sense to bring her in. Two films to introduce three main characters? That doesn't seem too rushed to me, especially when EVERYONE KNOWS BATMAN AND SUPERMAN. So really, they've had two films to introduce one character that was merely a supporting character in one film... If they had excluded Wonder Woman, you would've been complaining about how it's always about Batman and Superman and that it's boring because they didn't show her. The cameos had to've added up to two minutes total. I don't see how that's a problem. For me, that was part of the highlight of the movie considering just how much I love The Flash and how much I look forward to seeing this new Aquaman and Cyborg. It was exciting and I'm thankful they included those cameos. Were there other cameos? Yes. Were they excessive? No. They weren't really the focus of any scene and I doubt they'll really be the focus of anything (considering how one of them - Jimmy Olsen - was killed. KGBeast might make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2, but I doubt it). I appreciate the nod in fact. It means they've paid attention to the comics. Had the amount of cameos occurred in a Marvel film, everyone would've freaked out, excited that the screenwriters have paid attention to the comics. Honestly, I'm disappointed there wasn't another cameo; the final Justice League member, Green Lantern. It's also fairly obvious why Lex wanted Batman and Superman to fight: he saw Superman as a godly figure, one that he felt shouldn't exist because his father was abusive and God was never around to help him as a kid. It's clear he didn't like his dad by the way he spoke nor does he like anything having to do with God. He despises God and anything like him. Batman was simply the best weapon he had barring the kryptonite. 2. They didn't listen to fans? That it was too "gloomy"? No DC fan complained about that after Man of Steel. That is merely all of the Marvel fans and media that expected an Avengers/Iron Man film. Anyone that reads the comics knows that DC is not happy-go-lucky and fun. Superman may be filled with hope an optimism but he also knows how the world works. Hope and optimism isn't correlated with jolly, especially when the entire country doesn't want him to exist. He displayed hope throughout the film as well, even if it wasn't pouring out of his system. He had hope that Batman was a good man with the right intentions (why would he tell Batman to save his mother? Which we won't even get into the Martha thing and everyone's ignorance to it). I prefer to see Superman more of a gritty character anyway, it makes him more relatable. The whole thing with Felicity and Laurel is aggravating and shouldn't be included in this argument especially when number four is a thing. In the comics, Oliver Queen has more chemistry and relations with Black Canary. Personally, as a fan of the comics, I would prefer Oliver and Laurel. That's a casting issue. That's a script issue. Cast actresses/actors that have good chemistry together. 3. More diverse characters? You're able to judge that by one film that's centered around only two characters, comparing it to several seasons of multiple shows? They packed in too many cameos but should've had more diverse characters? Wait until the Justice League comes out, you'll get that diversity, both in character and racial. Then again though, there will probably be too many characters for your liking in that film, packing it with TOO much diversity. I suggest not watching it. The actors on TV are honestly flat and I am more than thankful that they are not connected to the cinematic universe; most of their acting is subpar. I love Grant Gustin but he has never been Barry material. I would've preferred him as a GL actually, or a secondary character. 4. Comic roots. In what way has BvS been "ashamed" to admit it has comic roots? It brought in several easter eggs and had the heartbeat of the comics. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather Superman give up the red undies and be "ashamed" than him have them and say he's "embracing" his roots. I would imagine that The Flash's costume will be red and Green Lantern's will have plenty of that color you are looking for. Wonder Woman's costume is beautiful, much better than Supergirl's disgusting costume. Why was Jimmy Olsen in there if there weren't embracing their comic roots? KGBeast? The Motherbox? Don't even start with that "it's nothing like the comics" bit. Arrow has changed so many things from the comics (The Flash too - Wally is not Iris' brother, but his nephew. Don't touch my speedsters. I don't appreciate the meddling). 5. Felicity Smoak. Terrible character, terrible acting. And to put every single character in the DCEU below her when Wonder Woman has made more than just an appearance is just ridiculous and frankly insulting. The only major complaint I have about BvS (and even Man of Steel) was all of the fighting sequences. They could've easily shaved off five to ten minutes of fighting and both films would've been a lot better. Anything after that is people just complaining that they weren't in a superhero-comedy film. You can't enjoy a film if you go in expecting it to be terrible, as every single person that does not know the comics has. It's honestly tiring seeing the same, empty arguments.
FTthoseBoutI can't really tell if this is for real or just a very bad joke. I'm thrilled that "Felicity and Friends" will never be a part of the DCEU. That is the very last thing we need!
Red QueenThe only thing the DCEU could learn for the Olicityverse is how to not let fanservice ruin a show. You're saying "It has Felicity Smoak" as if that is a good thing. It's not. At all.
JessieWhat Grende lot of shit, Arrow is one of the worst adaptations , has several characters presented in a bad way , besides the Felicity super Marysue forced and bland , a character who gains a company having sex and drops a bandit with a kick to the knee does not should not even exist , not to mention Stephen Amell which is the worst possible green Arrow.
NathanDid Guggenheim pay you by the word or did you charge him a flat fee?
GinaShe is easly the fan favourite of Arrow, of course she has haters (haters who only hate on her because romance and for not being part of GA world in the comic books) like every popular character but she really was and id my reason to love this show!! I love her performance, her relationship with Oliver, Diggle,... it's really sad how some purist comic book fans only hate on her beacaue only want action on the show, THIS IT'S TV and even in the comics we see a lot of romance in it. Anyway Felicity Smoak is necessary it looks depressing when the team it's without her... i really can't imagine this awsome show without her
MaiaI've watched Arrow since the beginning and it wasn't until Felicity Smoak entered the picture and balanced out Diggle and Oliver that I could see where the show could go and the potential it has at its fingertips IF it was bold enough to seize the opportunity and have the vision (and guts) to make some changes. They did and Arrow has now been must-see-tv for me every week on Wednesday nights. The spirit of Felicity Smoak and all she's accomplished by daring to be unexpected and different absolutely is something DC should embrace. You never know what greatness you'll achieve by daring to walk a different path. So glad Arrow did and so glad they kept Emily Rickards, Felicity Smoak, and Oliver & Felicity around.
JulieThis is a wonderful follow up to the original article (which was also very compelling). Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. I am certain most of those who dislike Felicity do so because of her existence and her relationship with Oliver "disrespecting" comic canon. Complaints about her character, I believe, stem from that frustration. A great deal of fans DO love Felicity Smoak and you did a fantastic job of outlining WHY in this article.
callistawolfIf it weren't for Felicity, my interest in Arrow wouldn't have been as big as it is. I love Arrow, Oliver, and Felicity.
RachelI love Felicity Smoak, for me currently only reason to watch show and I would be very interested in some kind of spin off with Felicity as main draw, any ideas?
LiddyI love Felicity and I think she GIVES BALANCE to the more serious characters in the show without falling into being ridiculous, she can be fun and a bit dorky but everyone still believes her intelligence and importance. Arrow already had bit of humor to it before she arrived (Oliver and Tommy also Oliver and Diggle) but it seems after she arrived they seemed to find the funny they wanted. Felicity and Diggle are part of what makes Arrow amazing and I wish to see more of them, of course I love Olicity their is an amazing well written romance story but my enjoyment of the character never depended on her romance with Oliver. I always delighted in all her relationships, I love that.
MarcelaI absolutely love Arrow but I know that without Felicity I would never have been as much into it that I am now! I completely agree with everything said on that article. Felicity was the key for Oliver to become the Green Arrow, I can't see how they would have done it without her. Oliver would have stay the Arrow. Seeing him finally cracking jokes because he is happy made me so emotional
ArianeAgree with every word. There was definitely something missing when Arrow first started. Felicity was the character that Arrow needed. It's great to see how much of an impact she's made. It was Felicity and Diggle that kept my interest in the show.
JGreyI definitely agree with all of this! Awesome article!
ERNBravo! Arrow would not be the same without Felicity Smoak. I would not have been as invested in the show without her character. She truly is the heart of Arrow, and one of the better developed female characters out there.
V.P.Bravo! Awesome article about an awesome character! So much truth! Like the show runners themselves have said Arrow wasn't Arrow until they found Felicity. She is the heart and brains of the team and the heart of the show. She saved Oliver and the show. She's a badass superhero in her own right and an amazing role model for women and young girls. She's a beautiful, brilliant, brave, strong fighter I love tuning in to see every week. And Olicity is absolutely one of the best relationships on tv. They bring out the best in each other (another thing ever the show runners have said), they make each other truly happy, and have a very healthy, mature love. Awesome characters in an awesome relationship! Thanks for this wonderful article! AI think you've written an excellent article (minus the typo where you say Olive and Felicity...forgot the "R"). I think the first few episode with Oliver doing the voiceovers just didn't work very well. I always liked that it was dark and brooding, but it also needs some levity along the way. Every superhero from Batman to Superman makes you does someone not notice the stupid excuses the superhero's alter egos have for running off suddenly. Or the fact (minus Batman) that they look really similar to the superhero they are (hello Superman). I like that Felicity was a representation of "us" the viewer. Like the goofy excuses Oliver came up with..."I ran out of sports bottles." It was us rolling our eyes with her and trusting that the guy wasn't a complete lunatic. You also got to see a much more relatable Oliver with Felicity. One that you could actually like and understand. I think too often Superhero movies always portray the women as a bit naive or clueless and I think Felicity came across as a strong smart woman who didn't buy the crap that our hero was selling and stood up to him when he was being an idiot. That's why I love her. I do hate the contrived reasons for keeping them apart (baby mama drama...really???). I wish they would give us a bit more credit as an audience, but I'm going to stick with it because I certainly like Arrow better with Felicity than without.
ginaIf Felicity had not joined Arrow, I don't think I would have continued watching. She brought the team together, she was a breath of fresh air to the programme. The relationship between Felicity and Oliver is a beautiful story being told and can't wait for more. So pleased the writers chose the story they are telling and not the comics. Felicity is a beautiful, strong, smart, and witty character that I throughly enjoy watching week after week.
JanLike MG said this weekend, the show needs to write towards the cast, not just comic canon. If the latter were the case, this show prob wouldn't be seeing a 5th season. And much of the show's success is owed to the Original Team Arrow aspect, especially Felicity.
YakkoSorry to say that Felicity will be part of the reason the ratings will drop next season.
Kristopher AwojobiYeah uh no. Felicity is not the reason why the dc verse will do well in fact it's arrows undoing. Look at the reviews the show has gotten as of late. They've been terrible. Clearly an olicity shipper wrote this.
JameConfession: I was ready to drop Arrow after the early episodes. Even Oliver and Diggle's growing relationship and Moira's Machiavellian machinations weren't enough. But then an IT girl with a red pen turned around and tilted her head at Oliver Queen, eliciting a genuine smile. I was hooked and Arrow became appointment TV for me. I love Felicity's mix of brains, beauty, strength, vulnerability, determination, humor, compassion, kindness -- seriously, I could go on and on. She's not perfect, but she strives to better. And she's proved that you don't have to put on a suit and a mask to be a hero. You mentioned one thing in particular that I wanted to touch on: "Most people would agree that season three was a low point for Arrow and this is chiefly due to Oliver and Felicity’s relationship." I agree. Season 3 kept Oliver and Felicity apart, emotionally and physically and the quality of the show suffered. One of the best things about Arrow is the dynamic and chemistry of these two characters, and without Oliver/Felicity playing off each other, Arrow became a grim show without light. And keeping Felicity away also meant the audience didn't get much of Oliver/Felicity/Diggle, the core trio dynamic that is also one of the main strengths of Arrow. I hope Arrow has learned its lesson: Felicity Smoak, Olicity, Original Team Arrow. These are why Arrow is the best superhero show in the Arrowverse and from DC.
KatYour article seems very successful , I read maybe one or two comics in my life , and besides being dark and tragic failed to catch me. However , arrow ( TV show ) . He managed to get my attention and just when the character Felicity , who gave the story a brightness, warmth and humanity entered the scene. I agree with you , and I appreciate as a spectator to write a good review of arrow . Of course I compliment the work of the actors , David Ramsey , Stephen Amell and Emiliy Brett Richards who endeared as a team for the viewing public . And the success of the character of Felicity is due to the writers of the Tv Show and of course the performance of actress Emily Brett .
Donald GarchSomeone is obsessed with a minor small screen character. Running out of topics to write lately?
PrimeEarthWell put, Nick! But of course the comic canon fanboys and fangirls will continue trundling along in their bubble of haters haze to spit their venom.
vicVery well done article! I probably wouldn't have made it past the mid-way point of season 1 if there hadn't been Felicity Smoak. She really is what pulled the show together. Emily Bett Rickards is A++.
MacThey'll reboot him just like The Joker for sure. They'll just pick Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day Lewis for the role. They'll cover the chosen one with tatoos and give him metal pants only. In the end the chsen one will say: "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya.. I'm just gonna hurt ya.. really.. really.. bad".
retgyruI've never liked Will Farrell, no talent. This is disgusting especially given his history of depression, one would think he'd be doing something more positive. Boycotted!
SimonsezSnyder has got to go.
BobFire zack Snyder, please
Donald Browndude....snyder has to go. Cant have affleck in control and snyder buzzing around right after BVS because it'll be a shoulder brushing bromance. just get rid of him and let him go work on something else. Also....if you're going to right an article that apparently looks like a consolidated effort from everyone else's articles, at least be accurate. James Wan isn't going anywhere and is still going forward with Aquaman. Did you not see his rebuttal picture on instagram after hearing the "rumors"? Its like every new information that comes out, as minut as it may be, some new article with the same information is just re written and then opinionated on. Let superofeed or screenrant write the articles or something. same information we've been fed the last month. aside from your inaccuracy of Wan
NoSnyderZack Snyder is a great visual director, but he can't tell a good story to save his life. He should be directing a storyless spectacle like Transformers. The DC Cinematic Universe will only ever be about Batman until they can find a director who can give multiple characters the heart, depth, and character they each require within a well crafted story. Snyder is just not suited to tell the stories of DC's most beloved characters.
Ambassador JossPlease Snyder is a good director and BvS was the best and most ballsy superhero movie in a long time. Ant Man was a joke. It was nothing more than a cheap rip off of Iron Man and another generic popcorn superhero flick. Just because it was fun doesn't excuse it from being mediocre. If that's the case all Bay films are great. BvS had a lot of deep moments and to imply that it was just a dumb generic action film is wrong. It literally has three action scenes the Batmobile chase, Batman vs Superman, and Doomsday attack and they all had a purpose as well as consequence unlike another superhero film where they have massive battles in broad day light in public areas causing hundreds of dollars in property damage and killing hundreds of innocents without a care in the world. That's it. His article is so whiny and cliche. Too long, joyless, and pretentious? Huh what about Dark Knight Rises? Everyone is being completely hypocritical giving some movies a pass while critizing BvS because Snyder's name is on it. Synder is the perfect guy to do a superhero team movie after Watchmen which was a masterpiece. Is BvS flawed? Yes but it's not a bad movie. With Affleck helping and Terrio having full control over the script Justice League will be awesome
DannyMI totally disagree with this review. I saw this movie with my kids. Everybody loved it . The people of all ages were laughing and smiling . What wrong with a fun feel good movie ? Lots of slapstick humor and great music . this isn't suppose to be a in depth story it angry birds based of an App that's been downloaded 3 billion times. I'm tired of critics Knocking down movies . This is a. 10 movie perfect for the whole Family . Go see it enjoy :)
IleneSo excited to see this. I hope it gets a decent release.
MegA few things I would like to point out, first you mention Spy, The Heat and Bridesmaids as signs of Feig's capability. These to the best of my knowledge were all his own works, and ones he tailored to his go-to team of actresses. This is likewise true of the original Ghostbusters movie, that was written with specific actors in mind. I would have just as serious concerns about the quality of lets say a Bridesmaids remake starring Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson. Especially if they each brought their own specific brand of humor to the film, rather then the humor the film calls for. My biggest complaint against the new Ghostbusters is that it is just not very funny. I have not laughed once at anything I have seen in the trailers. For a comedy film, that is a terrible sign. It looks and feels like a SNL sketch of Ghostbusters, rather then an actual Ghostbusters movie. I am considerably more tempted to laugh at the lowbrow hamfisted physical humor then with it. Add the overly cartoonish looking CGI ghosts, and that Feig seems to be mining the original movie pretty hard for ideas for his reboot leaves little for one to be excited about watching quite honestly.
TaviStill movies are yet to come but I am sure that Captain America Civil war will be the movie of the year. The story ,of friends turning against each other is a really good and is a watchable movie. Angel Jackets
Steve RobertYou could have spared us a 500 word review and said, "I don't like Adam Sandler movies". It is so easy to pile-on and join the chorus of critics who bash Adam Sandler. It is almost as popular as bashing Donald Trump. It is like asking someone who doesn't like ballet to review a ballet performance. Adam Sandler movies harken back to a time when movies were simply entertainment; I compare them to the Don Knots movies "The Apple Dumpling Gang' or "The Shakiest Gun in the West". Silly and definitely not brain food but very charming and likely to leave you feeling a little warm inside. Adam Sandler's continuing success proves that the average person has not become as cold and cynical as the average reviewer.
FivestarmichaelSome people aren't "ignorant" genius, we're Christians! How sickening it would be to have my 4yr old see a princess be with another woman!!! And some wonder why this world is as troubled as it is! No one is born gay genius (maybe the same scientists who say we come from monkeys, or a single celled organism, LOL). Some unlucky child was raised by someone/people who neglected to instill the proper values and morals, which are rarely displayed (because he/she/they were not equipped with these same values/morals :() in this country today. So many people are lost, constantly searching for love and satisfaction in ALL the wrong places! Our people are being brainwashed by the garbage distributed by the media & some music, and we grow further & further away from the truth! What sad times we live in when the government will force public schools to have transgender restrooms!! We have become so simple minded! We believe everything that we're told about everything, and fail to see how much we're falling right in the devil's trap! Btw, I'm a 33yr old "rare" heterosexual black woman, in case someone is trying to put me in a box!
Kellie DemouchetHatsoff.
MichaelAppreciate the supportive words for female action icons such as Lucy and Renee. Yes, the fanbase worked 15 yrs after the show for Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor to return to their iconic roles, fix the worst "slap in the face" ending ever, and ride off. At this stage in their careers, they may not want a 6 year series, but they WANT to return to their roles for a limited engagment. Then someone should have the brilliance to write new characters in a new plotline to spinoff to. Some backroom gentlemen at NBC and a rewriter are afraid of Lucy's shadow however. We are not interested in younger, recast "Mimic Meat" copying their looks and war cries wielding a Chakram nor in a rehashed, re-imaged, rewriten plot with a darker look and only emphasizing "oooo, they will kiss in public". It is not what Xena was about and it is now what Xenites are about. We are about loyalty to the original cast and original show and the honor they showed ON and OFF the screen. Xena Revival with original cast then spinoff something original is the only way. To support recasting is to insult women (saying while Arnie, Stallone, and Ford can retain their iconic parts in their 60's and 70's that Lucy is "too old" in her late 40's) and to support a rewrite slams the simple brilliance of the original writers.
True XeniteAs a fan, Xena was such a huge part of my adolescence and there was no hero that could compare to Xena when I was young, or even now... I went to a convention once and you meet the people that have amazing stories about how Xena touched their lives and the show inspired them to do amazing and impossible things! A new show with random people is almost like replacing family members or something. Hard to explain! The fans are so close to these characters and simply replacing them should be in the no fly zone! Hopefully we can see Lucy and Renee for one last hoorah!
Tami PotterThe original show has such powerful messages about love, empowerment, equality, compassion. A revival would be the respectful way to move forward. The XWP means so much to so many--trying to replace it with something newer just feels so wrong. This is a slap in the face to the original cast, writers, crew, fans. Javier wrote for Lost and for the 100. Neither of those shows could ever come close to XWP. #xenarevival NBC is wrong to do this.
Brett DrakeI can think of no better time for strong female heroes! I don't think that the powers that be truly appreciate what Lucy and Renee brought to XWP. They played their characters to perfection. Everyone that watched Xena could relate to or want to be like either character. It was more that that though. If you really were a fan you could tell this was a group of actors who had great chemistry. Whenever you had any combination of Lucy, Renee, Ted, and Bruce it always looked like one was about to lose it. You could tell they were having fun and that they worked well together. They remind me of Carol Burnett, Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, and Vicki Lawrence. There is just something magical about them together, it's special! Sure you can make a show and call it Xena. I just think that not to take advantage of such an opportunity to make something that can truly inspire and encourage television viewers all around the world is a poor business decision. Javier has said its a special 13 episodes only series. Surely you can find a way to make it work with Lucy and Renee. Xena and Gabrielle never gave up on anybody nor will we give up on them. Please make the right decision, only Lucy and Renee as Xena and Gabrielle. Thank You
Shawna Headrickif you try it with others, this series will not be liked. Please don't sweat in vain. That synergy is just located in the Renee and lucy . others is unthinkable. we grew up with them. Regardless of her age do you want someone to be your mother? . they are like a part of our family. please think again. because there are thousands of us who think like this.
Hayriye Makas UygunTo recast would be a huge mistake!! Lucy and Renee had this unbeatable chemistry and worked so well off each other. They each embodied these characters and breathed life into them. To think that these characters can be replaced with new actors and be the same is poor judgement and shows a lack of knowing Xena's fanbase, in my opinion. We want Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor as Xena and Gabrielle! We want the original cast! They are the reason we have remained so loyal over all these years. Because they gave their all to us portraying Xena and Gabrielle in these stories and through that brought us Xenites together to form such a beautiful community. That's why they deserve to comeback to reprise their roles!
R.WQue sigan Lucy como xena y Gabriel asen muy vien equipo que regresen alas grabaciones las extrañamos
ana laura avendaño GutiérrezLucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor are like a family to all of us. we need them to return in their original roles as Xena and Gabrielle. we do not need new actresses at all.
doug morrisWe have been waiting 14 years for a Xena movie with Lucy and Renee and I think a lot of us are pissed off that nbc is ignoring all the fans and headed straight to a reboot. If they gave us the movie first we would be more accepting of the reboot
JustinI am a big fan of Xena and Hercules.I would like to see it come back and also Hercules .The show was the best that I ever saw on television, the sense of humor, drama.,action,the characters and the nature of the show that took place years ago, had a great positive impact on today's society .We would love to see it back on television.Respectfuly Florence Pena. #1 Xena and Hercules Fan.
Florence PenaI want Arnold to Reunited with his Parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reunited means come together and stay together.
TonyUnderstandably, Lucy Lawless is not interested in reprising her iconic role as Xena: Warrior Princess on an ongoing / long term basis. BUT, that doesn't mean that NBC couldn't have offered hardcore, nutball Xenites a compromise by either green lighting a separate Xena "revival" miniseries (or TV movie) OR by asking the show runner to develop a pilot script in which Lawless returns as Xena for one last grand adventure with Gabrielle before passing the chakram to the new, recast version of Xena thanks to the story-telling magic of time travel, parallel dimensions or alternate realities. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a future, epic cross-over episode where the new, recast Xena and Gabrielle somehow end up in the alternate reality of the original series (in which Xena has obviously return from the dead (again)).
Agent 86IMHO, people should stop whining about reboots replacing certain actors and actresses. Since NBC's Xena is a reboot, it is expected that Lucy Lawless will not be back in the main role. She is possibly too old for the role anyway. Same with Renee O' Connor. I know you guys like these two, but we need to look towards the future, not stay in the past and make this kind of thing into a stupid issue.
JeremyThey need to stop moaning and get used to it! We have our country back at last and there's nothing these overpaid fuckers can do.
NigelActually, the remake of some sort of "The black cauldron" seems to be in development :
jojoSaw Suicide Squad last night and loved it. Have heard of negative reviews... but I disagree... movie was great and I want to see them in action againThe good stuff was collaboration with me. Your stuff, I never heard of.
BubbaNicholsonBisexual people can fall in love with a man or a woman (or anyone in between) Hence, Diana "falling in love with a man" is still perfectly bisexual thing and does not make her automatically straight. What Gal said was that we won't see any same-sex romance in the movie, not that Diana is straight. Yes, sure explicit representation would be nice but let's say that Diana had a romance with a woman in the movie - the response would be "Wonder Woman i a lesbian", wouldn't it?...
LinFamuyiwa Would actually be the third director to leave as Seth Gramme-Smith was originally attached to direct Flash before him.
MatchesMaloneCastle and period buildings were not built for Wonder Woman. That was evident long ago with a trailer of Fantastic Beasts.
EdwardShould've tried a torch-passing film.
Mister ForthRelease windows were created by production companies, film studios, and film distributors so that the viewing of films could be enjoyed the way they were intended, in large format movie theatres. Release windows are the very essence of the movie theatre industry, and are not the reason that the sale of DVD's have declined. The sale of dvd's is very much akin to the sale of physical novels and books, declining to the point of non-existence:: no one wants to buy the physical discs because streaming, and downloading films is so much easier and convenient. Most of the households, and individuals that can afford to own a DVD have access to cable, the internet and/or Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.; they do not need, and are not going to bother purchasing physical dvd's, that cannot be played on their iPads, tablets, or mobile devices. It is akin to the trend of (almost) no one buying records anymore, because listening from your phone is immeniently easier. Release windows protect the integrity of films, sets them apart from mass produced television, exhibits films the way their creators intended, fosters commerce and social interaction. The mass release of feature films directly to home viewing will have an unintended global consequence: the entire motion picture industry will be devalued, placing films in the category of sit-coms, and tv dramas, and soap opera's.
Keith ThompsonAssassin's creed games have bad story lines. Wow. Okay.
Rik MukherjeeFound this article while googling for pictures of Felicity to use in a meme. Cant stand her, never have. The character is the worst part of the show and makes me LONG for the days when I hated Lana Lang on Smallville. Oh how good those days seem now. The actresses' acting ability is surpassed in awfulness only by the completely juvenile way she is written into the show.
Mercer CreedThis piece is taken verbatim from an Australian gossip rag by way of the Daily Mail. This story is, however, absolute hogwash. New Idea is better known as "No Idea" because of the many celebrity fictions attributed to "un-named sources" they publish. They have been called out for rubbish stories and inaccuracies so many times it's unbelievable that they're still in existence or that anyone would take them seriously. For one thing, using simple logic, Russell would not have agreed to work on this film with Tom if he truly couldn't stand him. Second, both actors are well known to be supreme professionals on set. Third, they've both said they enjoyed working together on it.
MimiBMovies that earn more than $1 billion worldwide tend to produce sequels. As such, Fast and Furious 8 was a no-brainer. Yet, the ridiculously lucrative Furious 7 ended with real closure. Now the producers of Fast and Furious Series are more or less ready for the next instalment the Fast and Furious 8.
David ClaytonLolConnected? How about it was just quicker to use an existing rendered image than go create a new one.
Pete SkolimowskiTom, No apogee needed. I got exactly what you meant. As for Meryl my guess is that she has no worries about getting any parts she would like that she felt she could use opportunely on stage and national T.V. To give her point of view about our now President.
DianeI was thinking for Ice Age 6 that here I was Thinking Ice Age 6 The Final Chapter or Ice Age 6 The Continue Journey
AdamI was thinking for ice Age 6 I was thinking ice Age 6 The Journey Continues
AdamApart from Adams and Di Caprio, most of the others are no names. The era of the great film star has finally come to an end. They killed themsevles off with decades of PC nonsense and preaching that nobody wanted to hear.
AlexI am a movie buff. I'd be very interested in helping you score pretty selected upcoming films
Frank Armendariznever hoges owns it and wouldn't tarnish his legacy.
australian_publicThis movie was not scary, and it sucked! I was expecting to be scared, and that did not happen. Also, the dog was just gross, not scary. It did have a plot but was disappointing in the scare factor.
Annette BannermanI see how this #thriller may help me in my writing. You guys know if scripts are available to the "public" before release of "coming soon" films? Thanks in advance.
MarkASian actors don't have screen presence, and to the average movie goer, look remotely the same. It's the brutal truth but will be considered offensive. No one will watch a movie with a bunch of Chinese women outside of China, facial expressions are not relateable.
TerryThis is one of the most retarded things yet from this BS artist.
MacI have a feeling I'm going to like this one!
JayNo one will suspect a 80 year old man is a killer robot.
BillIm loving all movies
Mark BrownIve seen much of or all of toms movies hes a great actor. All mission impossible movies also.
Mark BrownThese artistic types... baby in the stomach. Oh dear.
SAMIAmy god heal this man of his addiction to alcohol and sex and make that he rconcilies with jennifer garner
SAMIAThe reviews sound as if they're written by kids, even accounting for translation... "The Aliens were less than those from 'Aliens' in number but still a lot." “The Neomorph is scary and gross but the Xenomorph is most terrifying.” “Only Ridley Scott could make this film so elegant yet scary. It’s nice that they use some of the same music from the original Alien too” Err, OK...
DaveSo besides it being a comic book movie what else does this movie have going do it, that you would expect a bigger bigger number? Wonder Woman is a woman lead, and directed movie and besides hunger games what other female led movie was a huge box office draw? It's a DC film following the horribly reviewed MM,BvS and SS it's a miracle DC people are even gonna show up! It has no box office draws in its cast. 65mil puts it on par with films like maleficent and Cinderella. And on a 120mil budget it won't need more than a 2.5 multiplier to make up its budget in the USA, and just needs to gross 300mil ww to start turning a profit
BlueHaving just seen this movie, it will do $100 million first weekend and huge word of mouth will drop it no more than 50% the following weekend. This article is ridiculous, mind you. No critical thought.
JackReilly is quickly turning out to be one of the greatest comedic character actors of our time. I'm looking forward to this with great antiicipation!
Timothy St. JohnThis is the only site reporting the opening as disappointing. I think 65 is just fine. Wonder Woman is going to do well. Just wait and see.
osThat's one bald-headed foo i'd never date!
ValindaI'd be happy if the film turns out to be half as wonderful as Laurel and Hardy were.
Carl LaFongMarvel has been quick to jump on the SJW band wagon and cave in to the demands of a small minority. Their sales are hurting as a result. Being PC doesn't sell and it's not attractive. To then take (one of) the most iconic characters and do this shows a lack of understanding of the who their customers are. Saying "be patient" may indicate a more appropriate story ending for the iconic character, but considering their recent history, it could indicate that they are merely caving in to sales pressures to create an ending more in keeping with what their customers want. Their actions and stories of late make it too difficult to tell what their true motivation is (other than, of course, money). I'm tired of the social activism. I get too much of it with politics and every news agency (both left & right). I don't want it fed to me with my entertainment as well.
rilyn marrI don't know how likely this is, but it feels well within the realm of possibility that Batman & Robin has the power to help trees and planets see thoughts and opinions. The movie is vastly mistreated, and despite its flaws Schumacher was wrong to apologize. If anything, Nolan should apologize for his Batman
Thomas H CullenIt's getting better and better: Hardy-Venom-Garnage. Make this work Sony!!
RoreyWhy is it that holly wood can never come up with something new, I guess they think that a 20 to 30 year window is enough for a rewrite and update to crowds who never saw the original. To me this is nothing but LAZY WORK and spin out something that is never better than the original. So how many sequels can Francis spin out of this movie. I refuse to spend 20 to 30 bucks to see a RE-HASH.
No 2 retredsI think it's stretching a wonderful little moment into something it's not. I'd like to hear this from Jon, the director.
Tim St. JohnI can see that casting choice - I see it clearly.
Timothy St. JohnI thought you meant Jessica Drew for a second there which would have gotten me to see it 'cause Spider Woman is Marvel's second biggest selling female superhero of all time and has LONG deserved her own movie but I would like a Spider Gwen movie or SpiderGwen to appear in a movie and SpiderGwen is more popular than you might think. With the Sony Spider-verse we might finally get both characters on screen.
HailsGreat tease Mark scripted for the audiences viewing and listening pleasure ;) Hype it up. Ill be in my seat very back center. Go Marvel Go shell head.
RichardWhat kind of grain alcohol do you use? Brand ect..
Slant33IT is NOT a remake!
susanna finnThe original t-Rex in Jurassic Park is better. It's years later & it's worse. Not impressed.
Teddysnoke is not a sith. bane created the rule of two. i'm not explaining it because it's one of the most written about subjects in the genre. if this is what they're going with they're gonna ruin the series worse than jar jar
you're wrong you fucktwilight ended years ago, try to move on. If r. pattinson became famous starring in comic book movie he shouldn't have shedded anything. The amount of hate men have for this movies is crazy but they are ones that bring it up all the time in articles. MOVE on.
MiBreaking News! The City of Cincinnati will honor Cincy native, DORIS DAY, on September 27th..Details to come.
Mary Anne BarothyDoris Day most certainly deserves an Honorary Oscar. It is wonderful to read that the City of Cincinnati will honor Miss Day on September 27 with details to come. I am very anxious to hear the details.
Patricia GiannascoliI very much appreciate your review, but you praise the director and the actors, but not the source - THE SCREENWRITER. It is only because the script is well written that JAKE and TATIANA, etc. are able to render these great characters The "heart" and "soul" of the film originate with the script. So do the range of emotions portrayed, ranging from "visceral" to "hilarity."
SusanInteresting review, thanks. I heard they haven't shown the final cut yet, so I look forward to seeing the cinema release. You have a typo in the first paragraph, I don't think you meant to use the word "decrepit"
DonmoreThanks for reading, Donmore. Fixed, thanks again! - Nicholas
NicholasRelated news also available @
carolineThis is Sloane Morgan Siegel, Gortimer (the titular character of the show). Thank you so very much for your kind and thoughtful words about our series. Everything about this show was special, from the cast, to the writers, to the crew, to the guest stars. For me to literally go through puberty with Gortimer at the same time. (I booked the lead at age 12 and the last day of our shooting, I was 15) It joined the character and me at the hip. The deep friendships several of us built over those three years is still strong today. I hope more folks will enjoy the show based upon beautiful articles like this one. Thanks again.
Sloane Morgan SiegelIt's not bad AT ALL! I'm getting more and more intersted in this project.
HarryHey man sloane , great show by you guys, and your performances were really great, it was beautiful how you guys could bring life and depth and that real feeling to the characters in the surreal world of normal street.Its great to hear that you guys share areal friendship bond, good luck for your and your friends future endeavors
ramsThe man with a plan. Despite the fact that he has been in dozens of films. Jeff has managed to reinvent himself with a career in music. His accomplishments are unique. From acting to comedy and now, a musician song writer and singer. Thank you Jeff, for working on your multiple talents. You've made contributions, to the world of entertainment and to well known causes. Makes you a great humanitarian as well. Blessings and love. P. B.
Robert Lerman1Beautiful film.
Stevens JacksonI'm really glad this article was made. Many people don't seem to understand how hard it was to find content. Hopefully this will help people to see SE's point of view.
RaygirlBummer, I was hoping he would make it in the sequel so they could show more of him. He was good as Blofeld but I was disappointed as they hardly showed him in the movie and it had a lot of potential. SPECTRE was entertaining but the plot could have been a lot better.
CrackTheSkye1990Star Wars the Force Awakens was conveniently left off of their list
Man1985Might want to take this nonsense article down - the Social Media embargo is being lifted early.
ALboAny movie with Adam Driver will be vastly improved by his presence.
Mac SintesWhen does Super-Normal start? How many episodes will it be? I am excited & looking forward to watching this series. Luke Evans & Josh Gad were so fantastic together in Beauty & the Beast & Daisy Ridley was so good in Star Wars the force awakens. Together they will be fab. Thanks Netflix for picking this series.
madeline j paulettiPlease remove me
Chris TaitGreat article! SW has always been merchandise-friendly. So what? Ewoks can be a bit overkill but for the most part they’re funny goofy little fuzz balls and they don’t bother me that much. But I’m also indifferent/mildly bemused by jar jar too, so maybe I’m too uncritical. Meh.
DaxWell, a few years too late, but for what's worth, I just watched The Hateful Eight, I'm a woman, and I completely agree with you. I would go so far as to say an exploration of sexism is the overarching theme of the whole movie. I mean, when two enemies come together, united against Daisy, it's pretty clear. I was really surprised so many people missed it. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it!
Vanessa"Does Depp belong in the same category as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and others that’ve lost jobs recently due to accusations of abuse?" Of course not. His one & only accuser withdrew the accusations after the responding cops were set to testify against her.
MooniSon No One Knew Exists
jjLooking forward to seeing John Wick 3.Love his movies.Also seen John Wick and John Wick 2 !!
Claire TrefsgerCan't wait!
Stella MartinezThis is fantastic. I want to go there. Man has the ability to logically think through to a solution, for any problem created by man, of course applying the solution may mean his own annihilation.
David BDoes this smack of sexism? Is hair and make-up not dignified enough to be treated equally by the Academy? At best it is arbitrary, and the fact that other categories have expanded from three to five nominees makes this a real head-scratcher (pun intended).
JamesI've never been able to get into the CW shows but I did watch the crossovers Invasion and Crisis on Earth-X and thought they did a great job with both. They're basically Justice League movies in all but name. I loved Man of Steel and I liked Batman v Superman (loved Wonder Woman, obviously) but I have to say that Invasion and Crisis both felt more Justice League-y than the big screen Justice League movie.
GrayProbably one of the few people who really understood Elvis Presley was Stephen Barnard. In his book "Popular Music, Volume I: Folk or Popular?", a publication director Jarecky should have read before trying to make any metaphor, about anything, especially about Presley, he describes him as follows. And I quote 'He never understood the artistic claims that were made for him, probably thought very little of the nature of his appeal or his music; yet, as author Greil Marcus points out in 'Mystery Train', it is possible to see (all that) as a positive factor; Presley viewed his music as for the body, not the mind, so he recorded and performed accordingly; and, if much of his music sounds superficial, it was thanks to his undoubted vocal talent and extraordinary charisma that, at least, it was all gloriously superficial and celebratory; he knew better than to take it seriously and, in doing so, he become the consummate music figure, one that defines its spirit by delighting in its very limitations. Unquote. Too bad neither the documentary nor the reviewer realizes, that it was not just that Presley never took himself that seriously, but that the new title of the documentary, "The King" , as witnessed in 1974 by some 17,000 concert goers at the University of Notre Dame Athletic Center, was what he hated the most. So there is simply no metaphor to be found. It takes two to tango....
Guillermo F. Perez-ArgüelloI'm a fan of the DCEU. I'm a fan of Arrowverse. I'm a fan of the MCU. I'm a fan of the X-Men Movieverse. This article is bullshit. I don't need for the DCEU to copy Arrowverse or the MCU. I would prefer for it to march to the beat of its own drum, thank you very much.
Lee JonesHow was Matthew Macfadyen as J.P. Morgan?
Christine ValentineNo it shouldn't but She should have another friend female in her life with her sister like this young lady Said you can have a stronger bond between siblings then man a woman but have another female will deintensify the lesbian look to Elsa as just a Strong single gal with lots of female FRIENDS not interests Elsa does not need to be a lesbian but a Heroin and confidant to her sister and female friend or friends ????
Cyrus O Jonesyou did me wrong
kennethdavepinedaPar one, line two; perhaps "culmination"?
Dr ZYes, yes YES!!! I've thought this from the beginning ... Qi'ra is Rey's mother and Darth Maul is quite possibly her father (shiver!)
JulieQUOTE :: "in humorous, heartbreaking, and romantic ways. Along with editor Nick Houy, Gerwig blurs the lines between the past and present. We seamlessly transition between the March family’s highest of highs to their lowest of lows. This emphasizes just how much the characters have grown and the life choices that led them here." end quote. I just saw this film today and read some other reviews. The quote from your review really hit me as so true and why the time jumps worked. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and your review helped me figure out WHY. Which I find interesting. Thank You.
deborah a lariscyWhy anyone other than Hollywood diuchebags thinks this guy can act is beyond compression. Everything he attempts is laughable over the top bad acting.
Brian brownDouchebags*
Brian brownI visited a lot of website but I believe this one contains something extra in it.
ErikI would rather see the Rock as POTUS if Trump or Biden do not win because The Rock is a very nice guy and he cares very deeply for this country. He is also very strong, well known actor, and a former proffessional wrestler who lives in Florida so he is extremely qualified.
Adam ModyDiane Lane's lead performance in 'Let Him Go' was awesome. She should definitely be on the list for Best Actress. I loved it. Tense, atmospheric and 'edge of your seat' in places.
N.J.My 11-year old son and I just discovered Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street. We are so in love with the show. My son loves that it is an intelligent show about pre-teens and teens that deals with “real life” experiences, as well as the not so real ones. We love that there is a meaning and a life lesson that can be learned from every show. As a mom, it is has given me the opportunity to have deeper conversations with my son. It is too bad that there are not more shows like this one and we are especially sad that show ended so soon. The ending was dealt with beautifully, but we needed more of Gortimer and the gang. We look forward to following all of the individual actors in their future careers.
ShannonDear Co-Director Galen T. Chu Will There's be Ice Age 6 :Characters are back ? 1, Peaches and Julian gave birth to Seymour and Sid and Brook had a child named Scott. Then the couple Diego and Shira gave birth to a ‘Milo’ cub.
Caleb SavageNoice
Jason Wangthis review has ignored the most basic and obvious task of a review.. Basically for dumbies; don't compare to something else; just take the film as it rolls out and see where it takes you. Unless this review is meant to kneel at the alter of the Swazey and Reeves, then I'll let you off the hook. Simply put Ericson Core delivers on promise. of the thrill ride, promise made, promise kept. Edgar Ramírez and Luke Bracey deliver. Crazy epic visual flick you guys! Not sure what bee is buzzing in the reviewers bonnet. The 2015 film is super high flying adrenaline mainlined
Don CrawfordHow can someone call themselves a fan of Cronenberg and then be at a loss as to what he's doing here? Crimes of the Future not only continues his decade-long fascination with the human body and its complicated relationship with technology, sex and violence, but it finds Cronenberg at his most political, self-reflexive and comedic. The film is filled with fascinating ideas and images and this review refuses to engage with any of them. It's particularly telling that the one image the reviewer highlights (the ear-covered man) is mocked by the characters in the movie for being too obvious and on the nose. But I guess the reviewer missed that. It's also mind-boggling to see Mortensen's physicality be compared to that of a man half his age when he is dragging his feet, coughing, crouching in corners and struggling to eat for the entire movie. What film did the reviewer even watch??? This is one of the worst reviews I've read in years. Watch the film again.
JoeI love this movie. The animation, characters,music, and the dialogue. Overall the movie was amazing
Graham Turner
Jamie Jones
Evelyn Gardner
Heavy LVis
annie aussie
Blake Crawford
David Lee Guss
Debi Ray-Chaudhuri
Debi Ray-Chaudhuri
Nicholas Olsen
Muhomad Harris Imran Amin
Muhomad Harris Imran Amin
Muhomad Harris Imran Amin
Muhomad Harris Imran Amin
Megan Paolino
William hickey
William hickey
m jl
Bob Napper
Stefan Pape
Mary E Brewer
Gary Green
Nick Spake
Ajay Kumar
black canary! claudia
Red Queen
Kristopher Awojobi
Donald Garch
Donald Brown
Ambassador Joss
Steve Robert
Kellie Demouchet
True Xenite
Tami Potter
Brett Drake
Shawna Headrick
Hayriye Makas Uygun
ana laura avendaño Gutiérrez
doug morris
Florence Pena
Agent 86
Mister Forth
Keith Thompson
Rik Mukherjee
Mercer Creed
David Clayton
Pete Skolimowski
Frank Armendariz
Annette Bannerman
Mark Brown
Mark Brown
Timothy St. John
Carl LaFong
rilyn marr
Thomas H Cullen
No 2 retreds
Tim St. John
Timothy St. John
susanna finn
you're wrong you fuck
Mary Anne Barothy
Patricia Giannascoli
Sloane Morgan Siegel
Robert Lerman1
Stevens Jackson
Mac Sintes
madeline j pauletti
Chris Tait
Claire Trefsger
Stella Martinez
David B
Guillermo F. Perez-Argüello
Lee Jones
Christine Valentine
Cyrus O Jones
Dr Z
deborah a lariscy
Brian brown
Brian brown
Adam Mody
Caleb Savage
Jason Wang
Don Crawford