Ryan Reynolds gives update on Deadpool

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Everything seems to be in place for Deadpool: an ace director (with lots of visual effects work on some great movies), an interesting supporting cast (with Firefly starlet Morena Baccarin), and the best imaginable lead in Ryan Reynolds as the ‘merc with a mouth’ himself. And now, speaking to Shortlist, Reynolds has offered an update on the progress of the film, and how he thinks it’ll turn out:

‘I’m incredibly happy about it… We’ve got a director that understands that world, and writers with a slavish devotion to the canon of that character… It’s made in a way the most critical of fanboys could embrace. Well, that’s the hope.’

Some very positive words from Deadpool himself, especially ones such as ‘slavish devotion.’ Of course, even the actor admits these are just a ‘hope’: the movie is a potentially big gamble in the world of the modern superhero comic book movie, especially with its supposedly planned R-rating and fourth-wall breaking. It could be a gigantic flop – but at the very least, it’ll be a flop that was trying to do something other than the current spandex-wearing trend.

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