Assassin’s Creed: First detailed look at Aguilar’s outfit

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Assassin’s Creed is shaping up to be, at the very least, an intriguing video game movie. The talented Michael Fassbender stars as both the modern day Callum Lynch, and his ancestor Aguilar — mix this with a ton of established source material and you have the potential for a hit, a time-shifting, Matrix-like series. Now, Ubisoft has released an image detailing Aguilar’s outfit:


Assassin’s Creed has a December 21. release date.
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About Nicholas Olsen

Nicholas Olsen is a journalist operating out of Toronto, Ontario. He has held a passion for movies ever since his father showed him Pulp Fiction back in the late 90s. Since then he's been devouring films whenever he can, using his background in writing to appreciate the arts on a critical level.

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