Did Leonardo DiCaprio really deserve that Oscar? Who should win this time? The lead Actor and Actress race is a cosmic event that will determine nothing less than the fate of the entire human race. Honestly, it doesn’t feel like that much of an exaggeration.
Author: Gary Green
Unabashed lover of Pitch Perfect. Also freelance film critic.
The Green-Light | To Edit Tarantino is to Kill Him
A recent re-edit of Django Unchained teaches us why we love our favourite movies — warts and all.
The Green-Light | Why Jackie is a great biopic – but not a great film
Larraín’s films typically make certain that the medium is the message – but here, it’s an ethos that gets tangled in the telling.
The Green-Light | Split and M. Night Shyamalan’s Terribly Exciting Promise
Something has happened that I thought would never happen again: an M. Night Shyamalan movie has excited me.
The Green-Light | My long, torturous relationship with Trainspotting
Everyone I’ve spoken to seems to love Trainspotting, and so they should. But twenty-one years after its first release, approximately ten years since my first viewing of it, and two months since my re-watch, why don’t I love it too?
The Green-Light | Rogue One’s Greatest Gift
For real drama to take place, it needs characters to go to extreme places.
The Green-Light | Why Silence could be Martin Scorsese’s best film
Welcome to The Green–Light, a column from Gary Green. Find within spittle-flecked passion and encyclopaedic insight on everything to do with the movies. Yes, the title to this piece alone invites controversy. How could any film directed by Martin Scorsese possibly be better than the likes of Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, or Goodfellas? My answer is… Continue reading The Green-Light | Why Silence could be Martin Scorsese’s best film
Ranking every single summer blockbuster since 1977
Was the summer of 2016 really that bad?
I track every summer movie release from 2016 back to where it started, compiling the Rotten Tomatoes score of each one, and finding out just how good those summers really were.
Morgan – ‘Beautiful Baby’ clip
New Doctor Strange images show off the film’s weirder side
Who’s looking forward to Marvel’s Doctor Strange? Everyone, it’d seem – and to anticipate the film’s release only a while away, Disney / Marvel Studios have released some images from the movie. Although many of them are stills which reflect a slightly different perspective from shots in the two already-seen trailers, there are close-up glimpses of Mads Mikkelsen’s character Kaecilius, and images which show off the film’s propensity for weirdness when it comes to magic.