Of the Australian movies that reach other shores, most show a sense of craft that reaffirms just what thrillers can accomplish. From the past six years alone: Animal Kingdom, The Rover, Snowtown, Mystery Road, The Mule – and more – have all helped refine genre elements into something approaching a total national mastery. Sadly, the newest export, Strangerland, doesn’t enter the same league – or even the leagues below – such great fare, but it does boast a terrific performance or two, and an overbearing sense of mystery and dread that should keep even the most hungry genre hounds happy.
Author: Gary Green
Unabashed lover of Pitch Perfect. Also freelance film critic.
Queen of Earth – Review
Illumining the screen with the crackly grain you’d find on a decades-old film reel, Queen of Earth slingshots us into the centre of a relationship bluntly hitting its endpoint. We’re swiftly introduced into the mind of Elisabeth Moss’ Catherine, a darkened playground where the roundabouts are endlessly turning by themselves. Her own fragility is the movie’s bedrock, which will begin to crack underneath the enormous pressures of modern life – but if she locks herself away with a close friend, perhaps she can escape the maelstrom and perhaps even escape back to a happier time. This Persona-style chamber piece is an extraordinary feat of acting and moviemaking, a psychological game of Connect Four that at once holds its secrets close to its chest, and exposes its emotion like a live wire.
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Steven Spielberg has taken out most of the references to his films in Ready Player One
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American Pastoral – Trailer
Rogue One director and producer talk about the reshoots
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Is Justice League now only going to be a single movie?
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