Tom Cruise Will Return in Jack Reacher Sequel

Jack Reacher sequel is in the works and Tom Cruise will return to play the title character. This followup to the 2012 film will begin filming in November with Edward Zwick of Blood Diamond co-writing and directing.

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Nick Picks | Should Hollywood Stop With All The Reboots?

After the debacle that was Fantastic Four, it’s easy to only see the negative side of reboots. Part of us all wants to scream at Hollywood, “Stop with the reboots already, you unoriginal hacks!” Given all the quality reboots out here, though, maybe we should take the good with the bad.

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Ricki and the Flash – Review

Ricky (Meryl Streep) performs at the Salt Well in a scene from Ricki and the Flash.

Ricki and the Flash is another wonderful outing from Demme that’s ultimately about modern families VS traditional families.

Room – Teaser Trailer

A modern-day story about the boundless love between mother and child; young Jack knows nothing of the world except for the single room in which he was born and raised.

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