Avengers: Age of Ultron home release to feature extended cut and alternate ending

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At 141 minutes, Avengers: Age of Ultron isn’t exactly short. In fact, the two-and-a-bit-hour film was originally reported by its director Joss Whedon to clock in at a whopping 3.5 hours in its original cut. Of course, that would never have come to pass for the movie’s release in cinemas – but now, thanks to an Amazon mail-out to its customers no less, it’s been revealed that when the movie hits DVD and Blu-ray later this year, it will feature not only an extended cut, but an alternate ending to boot.

Amazon’s email about pre-ordering the movie when it comes to home release mentioned this ‘extended version and an alternate ending.’ So how could the movie get any longer? And what could this new ending possibly be? We’ve got a couple of ideas: there may be a little more Vision, who had just enough screen time to steal the show, but not enough to sate our Paul Bettany appetites. There’s probably a few more action sequences thrown in too, or at least additions to the ones already existing.

As for that ending, rumour has it that the film was originally planning on sending the Hulk into outer space at its end – which would certainly set things up for that ever-pressing Planet Hulk movie. Of course, we’ve no idea at this point what these changes and additions could entail, so we’ll have to wait until the DVD and Blu-ray to find out – a date which has not yet been set. What do you think the extended edition could include? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Avengers: Age of Ultron is in UK cinemas now, and is released in the US on May 1.

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