Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – First Look at the Batcave

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Bruce Wayne’s trademark secret lair in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been revealed.

Entertainment Weekly has the first look at Batman’s high-tech, gloomy main quarters. The stills, seen below, feature a shot of Ben Affleck’s Wayne and Jeremy Irons as Alfred, both locked in concentration and strategizing for their fight against crime, or perhaps planning an attack on the Man of Steel.


Here is a more detailed look at Bats’ hideout:


Irons told EW that Alfred’s role in Dawn of Justice will be a substantial one. Unlike previous Batman films where the wise butler was a secondary character — present in times to deter Bruce from doing more harm than good — he’ll have a bit more screen-time to chew in Zack Snyder’s upcoming blockbuster. “Alfred is a lot more hands-­on in our film than he has previously been,” said Irons.

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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice releases on March 25, 2016.

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