Batman v Superman Makes $500 Million in Five Days

Despite receiving mixed to negative reviews, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has become a massive hit. Surprise, surprise!

According to Variety, the superhero flick made $32.9 million internationally and $12.2 million in the US on Tuesday. This put it past $500 million in just five days. Since no high profile movies are coming out this weekend, chances are Batman v Superman will continue to remain number one at the box office. It could still show a significant drop, however.

Although Batman v Superman grossed $170.1 million domestically over its opening weekend, the blockbuster plummeted from $82 million on Friday to $37 million on Sunday. That’s a record of the biggest Friday-to-Saturday box office fall. Regardless, Zach Snyder’s film will ultimately go down as a big financial success. Unlike The Dark Knight or The Avengers, though, chances are audiences won’t keep coming back for more.