Ben Affleck officially steps down as The Batman’s director

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Ben Affleck has officially revealed that he will no longer direct The Batman. Variety reports that Affleck will still produce and star in the movie, but has decided to step down as director, he confirmed the news in a statement:

“There are certain characters who hold a special place in the hearts of millions. Performing this role demands focus, passion and the very best performance I can give. It has become clear that I cannot do both jobs to the level they require. Together with the studio, I have decided to find a partner in a director who will collaborate with me on this massive film. I am still in this, and we are making it, but we are currently looking for a director. I remain extremely committed to this project, and look forward to bringing this to life for fans around the world.” he said.

While Warner Bros. also gave their support to the decision in a statement:

“Warner Bros. fully supports Ben Affleck’s decision and remains committed to working with him to bring a standalone Batman picture to life,”

“I am still in this, and we are making it, but we are currently looking for a director”

The news comes as no huge surprise after Affleck had recently stated that helming the project was “not a set thing and there’s no script,” before adding: “If it doesn’t come together in a way I think is really great I’m not going to do it.”

Warner Bros. will now search for a new director, who would you like to see call the shots? Cloverfield‘s Matt Reeves is reportedly being lined up:

We can next see Affleck as Batman in Justice League, which hits theaters on November 17.

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