Ben Mendelsohn ‘circling’ role in Star Wars: Rogue One

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Ben Mendelsohn is reportedly considering taking a part in the planned Star Wars standalone film, Star Wars: Rogue One. Deadline reports that the actor, known for his roles in The Dark Knight RisesAnimal KingdomExodus: Gods and KingsKilling Them Softly and lots of other attention-grabbing roles in a plethora of excellent movies, is ‘circling’ a role in the new Star Wars film – but just what that role is remains, unsurprisingly, under wraps.

If he does end up taking the job, he’ll be starring alongside Felicity Jones, who was announced as the first cast member – and probably the lead – for Star Wars: Rogue One. Plot details are scarce, but the rumour is [WARNING: POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD] that the film will follow a group of bounty hunters hired to swipe the blueprints for the Death Star. This would, chronologically speaking, place the movie in the original trilogy’s timeline – but that remains to be seen. So far, Mendelsohn has been making waves with his performance in Netflix series Bloodline; looking at Mendelsohn’s career so far, he’s become perhaps the best character actor around – without anyone really noticing. Hopefully by the time Star Wars: Rogue One rolls around, he’ll have a bit more recognition under his belt.

Star Wars: Rogue One, directed by Gareth Edwards, is due for release December 16, 2016.

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