Both Fantastic Four and Daredevil will include the classic costumes

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With the Daredevil TV series almost upon us and the hype machine for Fantastic Four kicking into a higher gear, one minor question between fans has been whether or not either will include the iconic costumes from their respective comic book sources. While both Daredevil and Fantastic Four seem to be rooted in a grittier, realistic world than their literary counterparts, details have surfaced noting that both will indeed suit their characters up in the familiar garb we’re all used to.

From what we’ve seen so far in the trailers, Daredevil will see Matt Murdoch (played by Charlie Cox) slip into a simple black number to fight the criminals that plague his city’s streets. Showrunner Steven DeKnight told Comics Continuum:

‘If you watch very closely, you’ll see the outfit evolve subtly into what we call the black ninja suit. The mask changes. He starts wearing protective pads. Eventually it morphs into the classic suit, because he wouldn’t be Daredevil without it. Getting there is part of the fun.’

It definitely makes sense that the blind superhero will take time to look like the character we’ve known for decades. It’ll be a few episodes before we see that red suit – but will he be the recognisable Daredevil by the end of the first season?

In regards to Fantastic Four, Milies Teller (who plays Reed Richards) himself is the one who’s let us know that the famous quartet will get their famous blue outfits by the movie’s end. Speaking to Screen Crush, he had this to say on the matter of the darker costumes we see in the trailer:

‘These are the beta versions of the costumes, which is great… But, yeah it would be very odd if the Fantastic Four didn’t don the traditional costumes. You’ve got to. There is some servicing there. You’ve got to give that to the fans. That’s what it’s all about.’

This sheds some new light on the movie, which has been guarded with a surprising amount of secrecy for a big budget superhero film. We all assumed that the black / grey costumes in the trailers would be the only ones: now, we know otherwise.

How do you feel about the superhero costume inclusions? Do you think they are an intrinsic part of these franchises, or do you perhaps feel that the filmmakers should have created something entirely unique? Let us know in the comments section below.

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