Call of Duty cinematic universe in the works

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When talking to The Guardian, Activision Blizzard Studios admitted they’ve been working on a cinematic universe for the popular game series, Call of Duty, for a while. The direct quote below:

“We have plotted out many years…We put together this group of writers to talk about where we were going. There’ll be a film that feels more like ‘Black Ops,’ the story behind the story. The ‘Modern Warfare‘ series looks at what it’s like to fight a war with the eyes of the world on you. And then maybe something that is more of a hybrid, where you are looking at private, covert operations, while a public operation is going on,” co-president Stacey Sher said.

“It’s going to have the same sort of high-adrenaline, high-energy aesthetic as the game, but it’s not a literal adaptation. It’s a much more broad and inclusive, global in scope … a big, tentpole Marvel-esque movie,” co-president Nick van Dyk added.

Now a Call of Duty cinematic universe isn’t completely ludicrous, while the games focus on a number of time periods and interesting scenarios (such as World War II & III) they don’t have any specific main characters, rather, a group of characters that are linked only slightly and often killed during events of the story.

There’s nothing like this in franchise behemoths at the moment, Marvel struggles with killing their characters, 9 years and 14 movies since 2008 and Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff is the only hero/protagonist to definitively die. There’s a number of opportunities that can be explored as even aforementioned, the politics of war is a hot topic in world news at the moment, believe it or not, a Call of Duty movie could be the one providing social commentary on this.

While opportunities and potential are great for speculation, recent game to movie adaptions aren’t gifting us much hope. Assassin’s Creed was poor and Warcraft was okay despite having clearly capable filmmakers behind the camera.

For more news on a possible Call of Duty franchise, you can subscribe to Flickreel.

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