Captain America: Civil War predicted to open to $200 million

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According to pre-release tracking, Captain America: Civil War could be set to make up to $200 million in its opening domestic weekend.

Variety reports that analysts are predicting the Marvel blockbuster to possibly reach the $200 million mark.

“It’s tough to predict any movie getting above $200 million, but this one has a shot,” MKM Partners analyst Eric Handler said. “They have two weeks of good buzz to build on, and the marketing machine behind this is going to be huge.”

The last two Captain America films debuted domestically with $65 million followed by $95 million so it seems quite a jump to reach over double those figures. But with the amount of popular superheroes set to appear in the film, it’s not too unlikely to happen. And it could join The Avengers, Jurassic World and Star Wars: The Force Awakens as the only other movies to achieve such a feat.

We’ll find out soon anyway as Captain America: Civil War hits screens on May 6.

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