Captain Marvel is going to be the strongest character in the MCU

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“With Captain Marvel, she is as powerful a character we’ve ever put on film.”

Kevin Feige, Marvel executive producer, and mastermind spilled some of the beans on their upcoming Captain Marvel film starring Brie Larson. Captain Marvel is still looking for a director but plans to push back the release date have not been suggested at all. There’s talk that Brie Larson may portray the hero in the highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War, alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, The Winter Soldier and the main ensemble of Avengers.

When Vulture asked Feige about the development of the film he responded with some optimism, “There’s so much potential in the comics and there have been so many incarnations of her powers and the characters who’ve had that mantle that we’ve been focusing in on exactly how do we tell her origin. How does it fit into the cosmic side of our universe? How does it fit into what we’re doing with the next Avengers movies? So really, that’s what’s been delaying that particular announcement.”

Feige then explained what it takes for a director to pick up a Marvel film, the studio (mainly him) has a ‘roadmap’ of where they want the film to end up, a basic skeletal structure. They in turn pitch that to the filmmakers, and the filmmakers respond with their ideas and concepts on what the film can be. If Marvel likes it, they get hired. This is the same process Scott Derrickson (Doctor Strange) and Taika Watiti (Thor: Ragnarok) had to go through.

Kevin Feige served up what we can expect from the film in terms of the character’s abilities, power levels and psychology. He discloses the creative struggles of writing a character so powerful who is can still be interesting to the audience, “All of the Marvel characters have flaws to them, all of them have a deep humanity to them. With Captain Marvel, she is as powerful a character as we’ve ever put in a movie. Her powers are off the charts, and when she’s introduced, she will be by far the strongest character we’ve ever had. It’s important, then, to counterbalance that with someone who feels real. She needs to have a humanity to tap into, and Brie [Larson] can do that.”

The next Marvel film is Doctor Strange, in UK cinemas tomorrow. While Captain Marvel is set for release quite a while from now in 2019.

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