Captain Marvel leak reveals which Avengers actor will star alongside Brie Larson

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A pre-production leak for the MCU’s upcoming Captain Marvel reveals that Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury will star alongside Brie Larson, who plays the titular role.

Omega Underground reports to have seen the actor’s name appear in the film’s crew recruitment:

“His name has appeared as co-starring alongside lead actress Brie Larson for upcoming crew recruitment for the film. The expectation would be that Jackson’s role would be large enough to be mentioned for crew recruitment.”

Jackson played Fury in the Captain America and Avengers films.

The news comes as no huge surprise as Jackson has previously hinted that Fury may return for Captain Marvel:

“I’m always open and game. But they got Infinity Wars, two movies to do there, and after that there’s Brie [Larson’s] movie Captain Marvel, which maybe [Nick] will be part of,” he told We Got This Covered.

Recently, we found out that Fury was actually considered to be Peter Parker’s mentor in Spider-Man: Homecoming, before they opted for Iron Man. Jackson and Larson have history having starred together in Kong: Skull Island earlier this year.

Captain Marvel is scheduled for March 8th, 2019.

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