Chloë Grace Moretz “appalled” by Snow White ad

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Chloë Grace Moretz is “appalled and angry” over the ad campaign for her upcoming Snow White movie, Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs.

Billboards were spotted in Cannes last week for the kids’ animation film, and many have complained over the insulting slogan and body-shaming artwork. Check it out below:

Moretz, who voices Snow White in the movie, was quick to respond, showing her disapproval for the “appalling” ad on Twitter:

It has to be one of the worst marketing gaffes of recent times and the studio behind it, Locus Corp, have apologized:

“Locus Corporation wishes to apologize regarding the first elements of our marketing campaign which we realize has had the opposite effect from that which was intended. That advertising campaign is being terminated

“Our film, a family comedy, carries a message designed to challenge social prejudices related to standards of physical beauty in society by emphasising the importance of inner beauty. We appreciate and are grateful for the constructive criticism of those who brought this to our attention.

“We sincerely regret any embarrassment or dissatisfaction this mistaken advertising has caused to any of the individual artists or companies involved with the production or future distribution of our film, none of whom had any involvement with creating or approving the now discontinued advertising campaign.” the statement reads.

Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs is a Korean production and is scheduled to arrive later this year.

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