Concept art revealed for X-Men: Apocalypse

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As the release date of May 27, 2016 for X-Men: Apocalypse looms ever closer, Bryan Singer continues to tease the superhero movie. The director posted the below image on Instagram, depicting what we can only make out is some kind of space ship:

We can look to the comics for some clue, however; Apocalypse, the man baddie of the upcoming movie (and played by Oscar Isaac), discovered a craft in ancient Egypt when he still went by the name of En Sabah Nur, which infused him with new powers along with the ones he already possessed as a mutant. In which case, there’s every indication that the figure in the image above is Apocalypse himself. It’s these kind of heady sci-fi concepts that are getting us more excited than ever about X-Men: Apocalypse – how about you?

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