Could Pokemon Go lead to Star Wars Go?

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It’s barely been around and yet Pokemon Go has already been hugely successful, taking gaming to a whole new level. Nintendo have made enormous profit and so it’s surely now only logical that other major companies get their franchises onto the market and that’s exactly what fans want with Star Wars.

It’s been recently reported that fans are eager to see Harry Potter and Game of Thrones versions of Pokemon Go and now a Star Wars adaptation is desired. Fans took to twitter to show their support of the idea:

Suggestions were even made to how the game could work. With one fan desperate to catch an Ewok to evolve into a Wookie:

With the success of Pokémon Go already becoming one of the most popular smartphone apps of all time, a Star Wars augmented reality game is certainly a realistic possibility, with The Force Awakens director, JJ Abrams even a fan, calling Pokemon Go ‘fascinating’.

But until the day comes that we get a Star Wars version, keep Pokemon hunting, just don’t fall into any ponds trying to catch a Margikarp!

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