Critics walkout at Sundance premiere of “grossest movie ever made”

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Critics reportedly walked out of a Sundance screening after being horrified by what’s being labelled as “the grossest film ever made”. Kuso, had its premiere over the weekend at the Sundance film festival, but many critics did clearly not enjoy the film.

Last year, cannibalism film Raw, made audiences puke at the Toronto Film Festival and now Kuso has prompted similar reactions. According to The Verge, there were mass walk-outs at the film’s premiere on Saturday. Here’s how they described it:

“A large chunk of the audience left the screening early, when a boil-covered woman choked a man with a strap until he covered half her face with semen that looked like a muted version of Nickelodeon slime. But the walk-outs continued in a consistent stream up to the final scene. Some gross-out films are one-note, but Kuso finds new ways to test viewers’ fortitude. Some folks stuck around after a woman chewed on concrete until her teeth disintegrated, but still peaced out when an alien creature force-yanked a fetus from another woman’s womb (accompanied by a Mortal Kombat sound clip: “Get over here!”), then smoked the tiny corpse.”

Directed by Flying Lotus, Kuso stars Hannibal Burress, Tim Heidecker, and George Clinton. Flying Lotus believe that the walkouts weren’t as bad as many stated:

You can see the trailer for Kuso below if you can stomach it:

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