Darth Vader was almost in Guardians of the Galaxy

Ever since Disney acquired both Marvel and Star Wars, fanboys everywhere – especially Patton Oswalt – have been wondering when these two franchises might cross paths. It turns out that worlds almost collided in Guardians of the Galaxy.

At the Hollywood premiere for Spider-Man: Homecoming, Marvel president Kevin Fieg revealed that Darth Vader nearly made it into the 2014 film.

“Always, we wanted to reveal at a certain point in the movie that Peter Quill was a human from Earth,” said Feige. “And for a long time, I really thought it was going to be the greatest thing in the world that you’re in a spaceship and he’s talking to one of the alien characters and he knocks over his bag and one of the alien characters bends down and picks up — and it was a Darth Vader action figure — [and] goes, ‘What’s this?'”

Director James Gunn, however, felt that Peter Quill’s walkman should represent his connection to earth.

“To make a long story short, James Gunn was basically like, ‘I got a better idea,'” Feige went on. “‘What if he had a Walkman and listened to music?’ “And it was like, ‘Oh, that’s a million times better,’ because the Star Wars thing was just a nerdy reference in a single moment, and obviously, the conceit of the music redefined the entire movie.”

While it would’ve been awesome to see Darth Vader in Guardians of the Galaxy, it likely would’ve deprived us of Star-Lord’s Awesome Mix. Plus, it keeps the window open for an all-out Marvel/Star Wars crossover.