Deadpool is officially rated ‘R’

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In case it slipped under your radars, that new Deadpool movie that is coming out very soon has been officially rated ‘R’ in the US by the MPAA, for ‘strong violence and language throughout, sexual content and graphic nudity.’

This is excellent news for not only the filmmakers – Ryan Reynolds was personally lobbying against the studio for an ‘R’ rating – but for Deadpool fans too, who now get to see their favourite superhero revel in an appropriately NSFW playground.

This will make a pretty significant step forward for superhero flicks in general: the last ‘superhero’ movie from a franchise (also from Marvel, in this case) that was rated anything higher than a PG-13 or 12A, was 2004’s Blade Trinity. Could this set a new demographic for the upcoming slew of comic book movies?

Deadpool is released February 12.

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