Did Marvel just declare civil war on DC?

Marvel and Netflix have been keeping the release date for The Punisher series under wraps. Even after the first trailer hit, the release date remained a mystery. The second trailer finally gave us an answer, however, and it’s rather surprising.

It turns out The Punisher will debut on November 17, 2017. In case you didn’t already know, this just so happens to be the same day Justice League hits theaters. Thus, fans will have to make a tough decision next month: will they binge the latest Marvel series or buy a ticket to DC’s ultimate crossover?

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It’s probably not a coincidence that Marvel is premiering a new show the same day their biggest competition is releasing a major motion picture. Perhaps the idea was that if Justice League gets negative early reviews like Batman v Superman or Suicide Squad, audiences might decide to stay home and watch Netflix instead. In that sense, you could say that Marvel has officially declared civil war on DC. May the best cinematic universe win.