Disney-Pixar confirm a sequel for The Incredibles

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Following on from the huge box office success of previous Pixar sequels – such as Toy Story 3 and Monsters University, the animation studio have now confirmed that the popular production The Incredibles is also set for a sequel. Brad Bird – who wrote and directed the original picture – is currently working on the screenplay for the second film, though at this stage no release date has been announced. Beforehand, another sequel in the form of Finding Dory is set for a summer release in 2016.

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4 comments on “Disney-Pixar confirm a sequel for The Incredibles

  1. Eric

    The Incredibles was one of my least favourite Pixar films, certainly doesn’t need a sequel but I’m excited for Finding Dory!

  2. Theo

    I actually think it was always set up or a sequel. Probably one of their most suited films to become a series.

  3. Eric

    Yes maybe you have a point but I’m still much more looking forward to Finding Dory although still got some time to wait!

  4. Theo

    I’m really looking forward to Finding Dory too: it’s a great concept for the sequel and I’m so glad it’s actually real and not an April Fool’s as was initially suggested!

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