Dr. Strange director responds to casting controversy
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Director Scott Derrickson has responded to the controversy surrounding the casting of Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One in Marvel’s Doctor Strange.
In the comic books, the Ancient One is depicted as Tibetan and so there have been questions around casting a white woman in the role which Derrickson has addressed on twitter:
This comes after Marvel recently released a statement regarding the issue. And earlier this week, actor George Takei had his say on the matter via Facebook: ‘They cast Tilda because they believe white audiences want to see white faces’.
Swinton in Doctor Strange.
“You cast a white actress so you wouldn’t hurt sales…in Asia? Audiences, too, should be aware of how dumb and out of touch the studios think we are.” Takei went onto say.
You can see Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One in Doctor Strange which hits screens on November 4.