Edgar Wright will never watch Ant-Man

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With the release of his latest film, Baby Driver, Edgar Wright has been opening up about what lead to his departure from Marvel’s Ant-Man.

Speaking with Uproxx, Wright delved deeper into his exit, mentioning that he never saw the final product for Ant-Man and likely never will.

“I haven’t seen it and I haven’t even seen the trailer,” Wright stated. “It would kind of like be asking me, ‘Do you want to watch your ex-girlfriend have sex?’ Like, ‘No, I’m good.’”

Although Wright can’t bring himself to actually watch the film, he’s not holding a grudge against Marvel.

The only thing I regret is the time wasted,” he stated.

Wright even thanked the studio for giving him a writing credit on the picture. He was also glad that Paul Rudd got to keep the titular role. Speaking of which, Wright did see Captain America: Civil War, which also features Rudd’s Ant-Man.

“I did say to Paul…‘You know, I haven’t seen the movie, and I will never watch it. I did see you in Civil War, and you were the funniest bit,’” said Wright.

You can catch Wright’s Baby Driver in theaters now while the sequel to Ant-Man hits theaters on July 6, 2018.

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About Nick Spake

Nick Spake has been working as an entertainment writer for the past ten years, but he's been a lover of film ever since seeing the opening sequence of The Lion King. Movies are more than just escapism to Nick, they're a crucial part of our society that shape who we are. He now serves as the Features Editor at Flickreel and author of its regular column, 'Nick Flicks'.

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