Welcome to our new Friday feature where we look at all the comic stories of the week:
Get a sniff of this:
Daniel Radcliffe seems to be trying everything to move as far away as possible from his most associated role of Harry Potter. From Frankenstein to Horns. From Kill Your Darlings to American rom-com What If. However he’s now taken it to the next level by portraying a farting corpse in Swiss Army Man. The trailer dropped this week and to be fair to Radcliffe, the film actually looks rather good. And Hagrid certainly approves:
Crazy Casting:
A couple of strange casting announcements this week as Sean Penn has come out of hiding from meeting drug lords to lending his voice to The Angry Birds Movie. He’ll play a big red bird called Terrence.

Time to put your gun away Sean.
While Guardians of the Galaxy’s Dave Bautista looks sets to feature in Blade Runner 2. The ex WWE wrestler is now fighting his way to the top of hollywood a-listers.

Bautista looking a bit colourful in Guardians of the Galaxy
Spider-Man web slip:
Sony certainly have caught themselves in a web here after it’s been discovered this week that the studio registered a new web domain: SpiderManHomecomingTheMovie.com which currently redirects to Sony’s website. So Spider-Man: Homecoming it is then.

Another Spider-Man?! Tom Holland in Captain America: Civil War.
Brent’s back:
Ricky Gervais is back as David Brent with the trailer for his solo film Life on the Road. To call it a trailer would be an exaggeration, it’s more a clip being labelled as a teaser trailer. It looks predictable, unoriginal but bloody hilarious. Now go get the guitar.
Franco’s Lesbian Vampire film:
James Franco has made a ‘lesbian vampire movie’ and no it’s not a remake of James Corden’s Lesbian Vampire Killers from 2009, thankfully! Instead, it’s a remake of 1996’s Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? which has been re-imagined to tell a lesbian vampire love story. Franco has even given himself a small role which hasn’t been revealed yet, but no doubt it’ll be the character who converts the lesbians and gets off with them in the process.

Good luck with that James.
It’s a Rap:
And finally we leave you with the most awkward rap (painfully so: Ed) since John Barnes took the mic in 1989. The Star Wars: Rogue One trailer may have landed this week, but you may find this even more entertaining: