Geoff Johns says upcoming DC films will be lighter

Geoff Johns admits DC films will be lightening the tones of their upcoming films, starting with Justice League. Geoff Johns is currently president of DC and Warner Bros. Chief Creative Officer in the realm of all things DC.

“Mistakenly in the past, I think the studio has said, ‘Oh, DC films are gritty and dark and that’s what makes them different.’ That couldn’t be more wrong,” is what Johns explained to The Wall Street Journal. “It’s a hopeful and optimistic view of life. Even Batman has a glimmer of that in him. If he didn’t think he’d make tomorrow better, he’d stop.”

Despite what Warner Bros. and DC have said, Justice League was also going to be lighter than previous films. It seems screenwriter Chris Terrio and director Zack Snyder have made modifications to Justice League due to the backlash of Batman v Superman.

“We accelerated the story to get to the hope and optimism a little faster,” said Peter Berg, the Warner Bros. executive who was brought on to work with Jahns to drive the DC Universe forward on screen.

Along with director/actor Ben Affleck, Johns is co-writing a solo Batman movie, which could be in cinemas as early as 2018.