Ghostbusters: Deleted Chris Hemsworth dance scene cost Sony millions

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It’s been revealed that a deleted scene of Chris Hemsworth dancing in Ghosbusters cost Sony “in the seven figures” with director Paul Feig calling it “the biggest decision of [his] life”.

Feig told Vulture that he originally shot a dance sequence lead by Hemsworth to The Bee Gees classic “You Should Be Dancing.” But when the scene got mixed reviews in the test screenings, Feig decided to cut it which proved to be a very expensive decision.

A source told The Hollywood Reporter that the scene “cost in the low seven figures and took up two full days of shooting, not including rehearsal time”.

It cost in the low seven figures and took up two full days of shooting.

In the scene, Chris Hemsworth’s character, Kevin, is possessed by a ghost and leads hundreds of NYPD officers and soldiers in a choreographed dance in the middle of Times Square as it’s being destroyed.

Feig explained why the scene had to go:

“There was something about it where it became a bit of an island. It was stopping the flow for the audience, because even though they really loved it, they were having trouble coming back out of it. It was making the rhythm a little too goofy, in a weird way, and it was hurting our story a little bit … but it was Chris Hemsworth doing this amazing dance sequence!”

So all that time and money spent wasted, although part of the sequence was shown in the post-credits and no doubt it’ll make the DVD’s deleted scenes. In the meantime, you can see Ghostbusters in theaters now.

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