Guardians of the Galaxy 2 features Marvel’s first gay superhero

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 looks set to feature Marvel’s first openly gay superhero on the big screen.

When director James Gunn was asked whether he would ever feature a gay protagonist in the franchise, he told the Press Association at the film’s premiere:

“Absolutely. I would love to be able to. We might have already done that. I say watch the movie. Check it out. See what you think.”

We’re going to take that as confirmation then, despite the teasing nature of Gunn’s comments.

It won’t be the first gay superhero to hit theaters though, as recently the Power Rangers movie did just that, which THR reported to be the “first big-budget superhero movie to feature an LGBT protagonist.”

Becky G. played Trini (yellow ranger) the first openly gay superhero.

And we can find out which character Gunn is referring to in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 when it arrives on 5th May, check out its trailer below in the meantime: