Harry Potter prequel gets a release date

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Fantastic Beasts, the new spin-off of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series set 70 years before the events of the first movie is due to be released on November 16th, 2016. Based on one of the various textbooks Harry uses at Hogwarts, the film, now confirmed to be part of a trilogy, will focus on the author of the book itself.

While Rowling is confirmed to be scripting the film, no other cast or crew have been confirmed to be working on the project.

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About Theo Pape

Theo Pape grew up on great movies, created Flickreel, and serves as its Editor-in-chief. He remembers vividly the moment his mind was blown as he witnessed Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman being catapulted over a castle wall when he was a child.

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