Here’s when you find out who’s Rey’s parents are in Star Wars

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Obi-Wan’s long lost daughter? Gyn Erso’s daughter? Luke’s daughter? Han’s daughter? JJ Abrams widely successful Star Wars: The Force Awakens left us irritated with the question: who are Rey’s parents?! You’ll officially and finally get an answer to that question in Star Wars: Episode VIII says Rey herself.

While we here at Flickreel don’t have any answers, we can certainly tide you over until the release of the film. Daisy Ridley asked to give a little by Vulture in terms of Rey’s parentage and she simply countered with, “You’ll find out next year. Just sit tight on that question.”

Fans have been theorising since the release of the seventh installment and it’s one of best film cliffhangers of recent years. Of course, most theories are arching back to previous main Star Wars characters such as Obi-Wan Kenobi being her father (who can be heard during Rey’s vision), Rey being a Skywalker/Solo, making her either Kylo Ren’s cousin or lost sister. Some theories even go out there saying Rey is a reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker…

Since the release of Rogue One’s trailer many have been speculating that maybe Rey could be a child of the main character Gyn Erso played by Felicity Jones, who’s father also appears to be an important figure in the creation of the death star, portrayed by Mads Mikkelson, Galen Erso.

Popular YouTuber Mr. Sunday Movies has an intelligent video disregarding and proving some of these theories.

Star Wars: Rogue One hits theatres in December, while the sequel to The Force Awakens currently without a title, Star Wars: Episode VIII comes out December 2017.

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