Indiana Jones Reference in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is full of ingenious easter eggs that most people haven’t been able to catch even after multiple viewings. In an interview with The Nerdist, sound designer David Acord and sound editor Matthew Wood, both of whom are currently up for Oscars, discussed an Indiana Jones reference that got slipped into the latest Star Wars.

“When the Rathtar is rolling down the hallway after Han and Chewie, I put in the sound of [Star Wars and Indiana Jones sound designer] Ben Burtt’s boulder roll sound from Raiders of the Lost Ark when the boulder is chasing Indy,” said Accord.

This reference seems fitting considering that Harrison Ford is most famous for portraying Indiana Jones and Han Solo. In addition to that easter egg, Accord also mentioned that Kylo Ren’s force sound came from his cat purring.