Jared Leto met with real killers to prepare for The Joker in Suicide Squad

Jared Leto has taken preparation for a role to a whole new level. We recently learnt that he gave his fellow cast members horrific gifts such as dead pigs, used condoms and anal beads and now it’s been revealed that the Suicide Squad star even met with “psychopaths and people who had committed horrendous crimes.” to inhabit the role of The Joker.

Leto told Entertainment Weekly that he became “Part detective, part writer. I knew I had to be committed as much as possible,” he said. “I had to be committed beyond belief. And I did what I needed to do deliver the best I possibly could.”

Director David Ayer had “some very specific ideas” for the character’s look, in particularly the tattoos: “He does feel like a modern-day gangster, because… he’s always been a gangster,” Ayer said.

You can see Jared Leto in action as The Joker when Suicide Squad hits screens on August 5.

By Danny Pape

Passionate about all things film, from the likes of The Graduate to Whiplash, Danny serves as Flickreel's video editor and writer.

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