Jason Lee to return for Mallrats 2

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After shooting Clerks III this year, cult director Kevin Smith will get onto his next sequel project: Mallrats 2. And now it’s nabbed its most pivotal cast member, Jason Lee, who will be returning as Brodie – the original Mallrats‘ main character. Kevin Smith himself announced the news on Facebook, with the following image and statement:


‘ “Saaayyy… Would YOU like a chocolate covered pretzel?” BRODIE IS BACK! So by the end of this year, Jason Lee is coming to the MALL, ya’ll! 6 down, 6 to go! Collect ’em all!’

For anyone who’s seen 1995’s Mallrats, the chocolate covered pretzel reference is a fantastic way of introducing Lee and his character back to the same expletive-riddled, pop culture-fuelled world. Other actors announced to return so far include Jason Mewes as Jay and Kevin Smith himself as Silent Bob, along with Michael Rooker, Shannon Doherty and Stan Lee. The ‘6 to go!’ part of Smith’s statement here would most likely refer to the remaining cast that are yet to be snagged for Mallrats 2: Jeremy London, Joey Lauren Adams, Claire Forlani, Ethan Suplee, Renée Humphrey, and Ben Affleck (who’s probably going to be the most difficult to get on board, thanks to his Batman-sized commitments).

It’ll be nice to see Jason Lee returning to his indie roots after fare such as Alvin and the Chipmunks. Are you excited about Mallrats 2?

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