Jesse Eisenberg will return as Lex Luthor for Justice League

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Jesse Eisenberg has confirmed that he’ll be reprising his role as Lex Luthor in Warner Bros.’ upcoming Justice League movie.

Eisenberg revealed the news in an interview with ShortList:

“It was the most fun I’ve ever had at playing a role, and most challenging, in a great way, and most rewarding. [I’d] love to play it for years. I certainly hope he stays alive throughout the next few films.”

Production on Justice League has already begun with Eisenberg set to film his scenes in August.

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Yesterday, we found out that Justice League will be a standalone film, rather than a two-parter:

“We’re only ever planning and we are only doing Justice League, just Justice League. One movie.” said producer, Deborah Snyder.

In what was a busy day for news regarding the film, we were also treated to a synopsis and logo:


Two versions of Justice League’s new logo.

And we can see Eisenberg return as the villain when Justice League hits screens in November 2017.

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