John Carpenter returning to Halloween after 38 years

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Good news for fans of the Halloween franchise, as John Carpenter has announced that he’ll return to produce the 10th sequel.

Carpenter directed the 1978 original, but it’s the first time for 38 years that he’ll be heavily involved with the production, and he has high hopes for the film:

“38 years after the original Halloween, I’m going to help to try to make the 10th sequel the scariest of them all”, he told press.

“Halloween needs to return to its traditions. I feel like the movies have gotten away from that… Michael is not just a human being; he’s a force of nature, like the wind. That’s what makes him so scary”, he added.

Carpenter will act as executive producer, while Trancas International, Miramax and Blumhouse will release the movie.

The 10th Halloween film is currently in the “early stages of pre-production”, with a release date and casting announcements to come soon.

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