Justice League review embargo doesn’t bode well

It’s no secret that Justice League has had a troubled production. As much as everyone wants to love this superhero crossover, we just got another sign that the film isn’t going to be a huge critical success.

The embargo for Justice League reviews and social media reactions is November 15 at 2:50 a.m. ET. As Mashable has pointed out, this is only 1 day, 16 hours, 10 minutes, and 0 seconds before the film is released to public audiences. This seems to be an indication that Warner Bros. isn’t especially confident in their upcoming blockbuster.

Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad were both critical duds, although that didn’t stop them from having massive opening weekends. Wonder Woman received much more favorable reviews and out-grossed its predecessors at the domestic box office. Whether they’re positive or negative, will the reviews have an effect on Justice League? We’ll have to wait until November 17 to find out.