Kit Harington apologises for Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 ending

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Warning: Spoilers follow for the current season of Game of Thrones, especially Episode 2: ‘Home’.

It’s been the point of contention for every Game of Thrones viewer out there: is Jon Snow really dead? Well, the fact is that when you’re stabbed multiple times like Mr. Snow was, and left to bleed out in the freezing snow as the light leaves your eyes – yes, you’re really, really dead. The real question should have always been – will he be brought back to life? GoT is a fantasy show, after all.

In Episode 2 of Season 6, ‘Home’, we finally get our answer – and Kit Harington has an apology that he delivered via Entertainment Weekly when asked what he would like to say to fans after they watch the episode. Click the link for the video, or read a short transcript below:

‘Sorry… I’d like to say sorry for lying to everyone [laughs]. I’m glad that people were upset that he died. I think my biggest fear was that people were not gonna care.’

In our opinion? Harington has nothing to be apologise for. Game of Thrones Season 6 is currently on HBO and Sky to watch.

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