Kurt Russell is OK with a Big Trouble in Little China remake

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Fan favourite everyman Jack Burton may be returning to fight evil sorcerers once again.

Kurt Russell recently shared his thoughts on a remake of John Carpenter’s cult classic, Big Trouble In Little China, which he starred in alongside Dennis Dun who portrayed restaurant owner/sidekick, Wang Chi. According to IGN, the project is in early development with Dwayne Johnson in talks to produce and star as Burton.

“I don’t think anything’s sacred,” said Russell. “I know why we did a remake of The Thing with John Carpenter. John wanted to do a movie that was called The Thing, but it was really from the short story Who Goes There? I thought that was exciting – it was a movie about paranoia. I liked that – it was quite different from the movie that was made in 1951 so ours was quite different.”

The actor — who was the leading man in three of Carpenter’s earlier, cult favourite films (Escape From New York, The Thing and Big Trouble) — says the director of the remake, whoever that may be, will be hard at work.

“I have no idea what they’re going to do with Big Trouble in Little China. I know why we made it – it was quite fresh and different at the time, and it became a cult movie. I’ve done four or five characters that they’ve made dolls of, and Jack Burton was one of them. Hopefully they’ll find the right tone and reason. The director’s got his work cut out for him.”

Finally, Russell gave his blessing and wished the developers the best of luck:

“With ours, some of the things that we did had never been done. It was a different kind of a thing. The first thing we did was flip the concept of leading man and sidekick. I don’t know what it is about Big Trouble that they want to fool with to make it fresh and new and different, but heh, good luck!”

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