Lenny Abrahamson Had a ‘crisis of confidence’ in His Early Years

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Becoming a filmmaker is a dream job for many and is indeed one of the most difficult careers to break into, this even rings true for talented, Academy Award-nominated director Lenny Abrahamson. In an interview with RTÉ for their upcoming documentary, Abrahamson admitted that he questioned his abilities when he began making films, suffering a “crisis of confidence” and saying the chances of becoming successful are “vanishingly small.”

Perhaps this anxiety of not making it in the field helped Abrahamson reach his full potential, as he now joins the prestigious ranks of Oscar-nominated directors for his work on Room. He shares the category with seasoned competition like Alejandro G. Iñárritu (The Revenant, Birdman) and George Miller (Mad Max Fury Road).

Abrahamson attributed “a certain amount of naivete, and stupidity probably, and luck after that” to his success in the movie industry.

Room is up for four Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Actress for Brie Larson, lets see if the Dublin-born director can win a statue on February 28th.

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About Nicholas Olsen

Nicholas Olsen is a journalist operating out of Toronto, Ontario. He has held a passion for movies ever since his father showed him Pulp Fiction back in the late 90s. Since then he's been devouring films whenever he can, using his background in writing to appreciate the arts on a critical level.

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