Logan is getting a black and white re-release says director James Mangold

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After an impressive theatrical run and critical acclaim, Logan is highly praised as one of the most impressive comic book films ever made. Now only a couple months after it’s initial release, director James Mangold says Logan will get a black and white limited re-release that will last a day on 16th May.

Much of the promotional material for Logan was in black and white, in fact, for a time, Fox was going to release Logan entirely in black and white until they must have realised it was probably ‘too edgy’ or too much of a risk. Yes, even in 2017 some people just don’t watch black and white movies. While this is true, a full black and white mature comic book film like Logan would have been groundbreaking for cinema in this day and age. Nevertheless, the black and white edition of Logan will still appear on the blu-ray release on 23rd May if you miss it’s one-day cinema run, unfortunately, the cinema run is only in the US.

As aforementioned, Logan and it’s black and white counterpart will be available on blu-ray later this month, 23rd May. For more news on Logan and your favourite movies, you can follow us on Twitter.

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