Luke Skywalker’s Star Wars: Episode VIII lines leaked

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Many fans are still counting down the days until we can see Star Wars: Episode VIII. Heck, we still don’t even know the official title yet! But if a reported leak is to be believed, we may have been given our first glimpse at some of Luke Skywalker’s dialogue in the film…

Mike Zeroh (via International Business Times) claims on a YouTube video (watch it below) that he has been told by multiple sources that Mark Hamill says the line “you contain the spark that will rekindle the fire” and that the line will feature in the upcoming teaser for the film, which could land early next year. The line is rumoured to be something he says to Rey (Daisy Ridley) on Achch-To, the home of the first Jedi Temple glimpsed at the end of The Force Awakens.

Zeroh continues that Rey “will remain the central focus in Episode VIII and will likely serve as the key to rebuilding the Jedi Order and restoring peace to the galaxy.” His information is apparently from two trusted sources with others still to be verified but Zeroh tells fans to treat all of this as rumour right now.

Star Wars: Episode VIII opens on December 15th, 2017.

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