Mads Mikkelsen stormed out of “mad” Fantastic Four audition

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Mads Mikkelsen has revealed that he walked out of his Fantastic Four audition because it felt “wrong”.

The Danish actor who recently starred in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Doctor Strange, recalls a disastrous audition he had for Marvel’s Fantastic Four (2015) in an interview with ShortList magazine:

“I said, ‘I can’t do it. It’s not about you. I’m sorry, this is wrong.’ ” he remembers saying as he left the audition room.

Mikkelsen then added how it’s not the first “mad” audition he’s had in his career:

“We’ve all been there. We all show up and it’s a little office room with a desk and they want you to do a scene where you have two lines – maybe even just a ‘Bleurgh!’ or ‘Get Back!’ – and you’re hiding behind a palm tree that’s not there. It’s like, ‘Guys, couldn’t you have picked a different scene? This is mad.’ You feel like an idiot.”

“‘Guys, couldn’t you have picked a different scene? This is mad.’ You feel like an idiot.”

Fans were hoping to see Mikkelsen play the role of Doctor Doom in the film but it seems that the Dane made the right choice, as Fantasic Four was savaged by critics and performed poorly at the box office.

Lucky escape for Mikkelsen then it seems!

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