Marc Webb to leave Spider-Man franchise after third film

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Director Marc Webb has confirmed he will be leaving the Spider-Man franchise after the third film. The man who directed both the first and the upcoming sequel will stay on to complete the trilogy, though when the times comes he will pass the reigns over to somebody else – in a similar vein to how previous filmmaker Sam Raimi did with him having made the initial three pictures. Following on from the triumph of the first film in the rebooted franchise, fans will undoubtedly be happy that Webb is at least staying on in the director’s chair to complete a trilogy.

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About Theo Pape

Theo Pape grew up on great movies, created Flickreel, and serves as its Editor-in-chief. He remembers vividly the moment his mind was blown as he witnessed Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman being catapulted over a castle wall when he was a child.

One comment on “Marc Webb to leave Spider-Man franchise after third film

  1. Danny

    Good decision from Marc Webb. I actually don’t think they should make anymore beyond 3 but if there’s still money to be made then undoubtedly they will!

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