Mark Wahlberg says “Hollywood is living in a bubble” and is “out of touch with reality”

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Mark Wahlberg has criticized Hollywood and celebrities who he thinks should stay out of politics.

The Boogie Nights actor told Task & Purpose magazine that Hollywood is out of touch with reality and that people in the industry should keep their opinions to themselves:

“A lot of celebrities did, do, and shouldn’t [talk politics]. They might buy your CD or watch your movie, but you don’t put food on their table. You don’t pay their bills. A lot of Hollywood is living in a bubble. They’re pretty out of touch with the common person, the everyday guy out there providing for their family.”

Wahlberg says he has separated himself from the average Hollywood lifestyle:

“Me, I’m very aware of the real world. I come from the real world and I exist in the real world. And although I can navigate Hollywood and I love the business and the opportunities it’s afforded me, I also understand what it’s like not to have all that.”

A lot of Hollywood is living in a bubble. They’re pretty out of touch with the common person

Wahlberg next stars in Boston bombings drama, Patriots Day, which hits screens in January 2017 and you can see the trailer below:

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