Marvel fans campaign for a Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider solo film

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Marvel fans have formed a petition for a Bucky Barnes aka. The Winter Solider standalone movie, and it’s gathering pace.

Over 41,000 people have signed the petition which reads:

We all know that ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ is one of the best Marvel movies ever. What makes it great is one of the best characters in the MCU played by the outstanding actor Sebastian Stan.

I think there’s a lot that we still haven’t seen of Bucky Barnes, and we want to see a lot more. 

Many fans have also taken to twitter to express their desire to see Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in a solo picture:

Recently, Stan spoke of his character’s future, delving into Bucky’s possible fate in the MCU, following the events of Civil War:

I don’t know, man. I mean, there’s obviously a very clear answer but I’m not maybe say it, now. Where did he end up at the end of the movie? That’s the movie he should be in. I feel like that would be the natural… But I don’t know.

Many of Marvel’s characters have solo films in development, with the likes of Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange. While, Black Widow is also expected to have her own spinoff. You could argue that Bucky Barnes has already had his moment in 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Solider, but with the fans’ campaign now gaining momentum, Marvel may look seriously into the idea.

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