Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Part 2 is no more…

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Part 2 is no more… well, not exactly. Disney has in fact made the announcement that Avengers: Infinity War – Part 1 will now simply be titled Avengers: Infinity War, and that what was to be Part 2 is now currently untitled, with a new title pending. This would obviously suggest that the two movies are no longer intended to run as a pair, but will instead follow a more conventional Avengers sequel formula.

Brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, who are together directing both movies, told Uproxx just as much back in May, with Joe stating “the movies are two very different movies” and Anthony saying “it is misleading” in response to the question of whether labelling them as Part 1 and Part 2 was misleading.

Despite the name changes, however, release dates remain unaltered from when the movies were originally announced. Avengers: Infinity War will drop 27 April 2018 in the UK and 4 May 2018 in the USA. Whilst the forth installment in the series will land 26 April 2019 in the UK and 3 May 2019 in the USA.