Warner Bros reportedly eyeing Matthew Vaughn for Man of Steel sequel

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Kingsman director set to take flight with Man of Steel sequel?

It seemed we couldn’t go a week without more rumours or reports surrounding Warner Bros and DC’s Expanded Cinematic Universe but since the news that Matt Reeves had officially taken the reigns of The Batman, everything has got a little calmer. A new Wonder Woman trailer, released over the weekend, was met with a decent response and now the studios are turning their attention bac to the man in blue and red.

Collider is reporting that those in charge are looking at Matthew Vaughn to take the helm for the upcoming Man of Steel sequel, which is in the works. While no deal is close, it is thought that the Kingsman and Kick-Ass director is in contention for the follow-up – indeed the site mentions that Vaughn had shown his interest in Superman in 2010 but it was David Goyer’s script, with help from Christopher Nolan, that was eventually greenlit.

Vaughn had spoken of the discussions he had with MTV back in 2010 and said back then that he hoped the film wouldn’t be dark and gritty like The Dark Knight Trilogy, saying:

“I think that’s the one thing not to do with Superman, trying to do the serious The Dark Knight version. Superman is about color and fun, or it should be, for me,”

Whether the news of Vaughn’s potential involvement becomes anything but rumour remains to be seen but he would certainly be a decent enough choice and if he continues to stand by his thoughts on what Superman should be, it could help to lighten then mood and give us a much truer version of the character. That said, the sequel could yet see many other top-notch filmmakers jump at the chance to make it.

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