There’s been a lot of commotion this week concerning Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs biopic. The director has seen Leonardo DiCaprio drop out of the lead role back in October, and most recently Christian Bale a few days ago. It must be a difficult time to try and get the Aaron Sorkin-scripted movie off the ground, which will follow three major event launches (in the form of just three scenes, reportedly) during the Apple founder’s life. Currently attached to play co-founder Steve Wozniak is Seth Rogen, but as nothing has been made official just yet, that casting choice may also change. But a new development has occurred; Michael Fassbender is currently next in line to play Jobs, and is in talks for the role. With three of the biggest actors having been attached to the same part for little over a month shows how equally hotly the role is wanted, and also how potentially problematic it might be for the actor. Bale left because he felt he didn’t fit the role, while DiCaprio bounced because he was taking a long break from acting. We’re starting to put together our own ideas of what Fassbender’s excuse will be – although we do believe he’ll be genuinely great as Jobs.